I went to finally get our ultrasound yesterday (at 27 weeks).
I was so sure it was another girl.
We have a girl name picked out, and I've even washed all my newborn girl stuff.
Dave didn't get to come because he had a regional inservice that he was presenting at and he has the class from he_ _ this month.
Akayla and Corina were the only ones with me.
I told the ultrasound tech (Tim - who was really cool by the way) that we have 7 girls and a boy waiting to find out if it's another sister or brother.
He immediately said, "You better call them up and tell them it's a brother!"
I said "no it's not!"
Then he showed me the little part and I still said "that's not a boy!!"
So he showed me a better picture, and even I had to admit it was a little boy part!
I told him, "You better be sure because I am not going to call my husband and son and tell them it's a boy and have it end up being a girl!" But he said he is 100% positive it's a boy!
So Akayla took a picture of it and sent it to Dave over her phone.
He was in the middle of a meeting but he immediately called me and asked what was going on.
I told him it was a boy and Tim had to confirm it for him to believe it.
We're all pretty much in shock.
It's just so weird after having 5 girls to think we could have a boy!
Now we need to pull out the 13 year old boy clothes and see if there are any that are not disgusting and completely old fashioned looking.......... and we better get serious about choosing a boy name that we both like!!
good things:
BIG surprises!
hearing my husband get emotional over the news
finally giving Tanner a brother
I would have thought that you had chosen a boy name about 5 girls back that you were waiting to use. I must say I am very suprised that you still have to pick one. Good luck with the process. May
i suggest Hazen? It's different I know...
Oh my goodness, that is such wonderful news!!!!! I am sooooo happy for you! That is so exciting. I bet you just get butterflies every time you think about it! I want my ultrasound soon! It probably won't happen for another 2 or 3 weeks because we're so far away right now. I hope singing time is going well for you. We'll be back for Sunday July 3rd. :) Thanks so much for all your help Angela! You are an angel.
Congrats!!! See I knew it would be a boy - Tanner needed a brother. :-) Glad you are having a boy. I can keep my guy's clothes and they are all yours if you want.
THIS IS SO GREAT!!!! H&M has the best little boy clothes ever. I doubt there's an H&M by you, but I'll be happy to go shopping for you. :) I am so happy for you!
Congrats! That really is so exciting!
This is so exciting Ang!!!!! I would offer some boy names for you to toss around, but I don't have anymore boy names lol. I bet Tanner and Dave are so excited :)
congrats!!! I am so happy for you guys!!
WOW!! That is such exciting news! Every boy needs a brother and how fun for Dave. I'm sure all his big sisters will adore him too. When are you due? Lucky you, being pregnant through a hot summer. :)
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