Tanner is officially a teenager now!
(though he's been acting a bit like one for the past few months already)
At 13 Tanner is all boy.....
*he doesn't like taking pictures
*he doesn't like school
*he loves being outside
*he loves playing basketball
*he doesn't like to do his hair - he'd much rather wear a hat
*he loves to build forts in our back yard
*he has had some crushes on girls but keeps them very secret and has a lot of girl... friends
*he's not into facebook much
*he likes riding his rip stick
*he loves building things with his new erector set
*he wants to be an engineer when he grows up
*he recently told me he wants to join the army because they pay for school (??? don't know where he learned that from)
*he is really sweet with his little sisters
*he is a HUGE tease with all of his sisters
*he has a very funny sense of humor and always gets us laughing
*he doesn't like doing chores
*he doesn't mind mowing the lawn
*he doesn't like to read (ouch....my aching heart!) but he'll read for hours to Elli
*he has a hard time sitting still for anything....never watches tv or anything........except for Generals (a computer game like Risk he plays with his dad once a week)
*he loves playing night games with his friends
*he is usually building or creating something in his room so it seems messy a lot
*he loves walking or riding to the gas station down the street with anyone who will go to buy icees
*all the neighbor kids LOVE Tanner
*he has such a fun and easy going personality!!
I am very interested to find out if girl teenagers or boy teenagers are harder.
I'll let you know what I discover!
Elli turned 4 just 2 days after Tanner's birthday
She sent us all "invitations" to her "party" in the morning.
I love 4 year olds.
They are excited about everything!
Elli got to go out to breakfast with mom and dad in the morning.
She was so cute and acted so grown up!
To celebrate with the family we had a picnic in the living room (it was raining outside), and had a flower cake and presents!
Elli got a fun sprinkler attachment and the next day she had her little friends come and run through it.
Silly girls mostly just screamed and ducked away from the water!
good things:
family reunion this weekend in Island Park!
getting all the kitchen cupboards cleaned out and organized
a clean refrigerator
1 comment:
Your kids are having the coolest summer ever. And they are building memories that will last them a lifetime.
Some of my sweet memories have pulled me through some difficult times being so far away from family. I recently talked my hubby into letting me fly to Utah for the 4th of July and the week following (to be there for Amy's oldest girls' first play). My one request for the 4th of July is to go have KFC/picnic at Copperton Park in the afternoon. We did this with my grandparents and cousins nearly every year when I was a small child. I didn't realize what a cool tradition this was until recently, now that my sweet grandparents are both gone.
Someday your kids will want to go back to that park you have lunch at with your hubby, or have a birthday picnic in the living room... just for nostalgia's sake.
You're doing wonderful things this summer!
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