Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1st day of school (2011/12) take 1

The Charter School that our younger kids go to has a modified year round schedule.

They started 2 1/2 weeks earlier than the other kids this year.

They weren't too happy about their summer being shorter, but.....
the great thing about it is that the first 2 weeks of October they will be on Fall break (right after I have the baby!!!) while the other kids will be stuck in school!

Traditional 1st day of school pictures......

Mariah -- age 7 2nd grade

How tall: 4' 1/2"

Favorite Food: Pesto Pasta

Favorite Movie: Just Like Heaven

Favorite Song: Oh, Shenandoah (from music class)

Favorite School Subject: Reading

Annalisa -- age 9 4th grade

How tall: 4'2"

Favorite Foods: Pizza, spaghetti & chocolate

Favorite Movie: MegaMind

Favorite Song: Country Road, Take Me Home (also from music class)

Favorite School Subject: Music

good things:
traditional cinnamon rolls for 1st day of school breakfast twice this year!!

little girls excited about new school clothes - even if they are boring school uniform colors and styles

traditional back to school blessings from dad

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