I'm LOVING the pictures Mariah draws for us -
almost daily we find something sweet on our pillow or on the fridge.
I think I will save every one of them to show her some day!
My favorite drawing lately:
I'm crazy in LOVE with all music by Rachel Portman.
It makes me happy, and helps me focus on good things in my life!
She's definitely my very FAVORITE!!
I'm LOVING the book my mom told me I MUST read.
It took me forever to find it, and I don't get to read as much as I'd like
(I've had to renew at least twice already, and I hope I can finish it before it's due this time!),
but this is a REALLY good book so far!!
I'm LOVING all the cute little pregnant ladies I see -
and I'm completely loving that it's NOT me!
Last year at this time I was ready to explode, and I'm so happy not to be in that
horribly uncomfortable state right now!
I'm LOVING that ever since Dave and I got to go see Wicked-
he can't get enough of the music!
He sings it and listens to it all the time now!
I love converting him to things I love!!
I'm LOVING the show Once Upon a Time.
Dave and I are always on the lookout for clean &
fun shows we can watch together.
We've tried lots and they always end up having really bad stuff in it.....
so we don't get to finish.
So far this one is really great!
I'm also LOVING the smell of fall,
my walks in the morning,
the apples that are almost ready to pick from our tree,
fresh tomato salad,
and pulling out the jackets and sweaters.
good things:
icy cold water
finding my keys
good dreams
Love this post Angela! so sweet and inspiring! And i wholeheartedly agree with the pregnant part...I'm so glad it's not me this year! :)
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