Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Dave - Mexicano     Annalisa - Army girl    Mariah - Cleopatra    Adriana - Devil    Tanner - weird old guy
Leandra & Elora - Minnie Mouse

I like holidays - all of them.

I like to decorate and do cute crafts with my kids that go along with the holiday.

And I love the traditions that go along with all holidays - even Halloween.

I don't get all crazy about costumes.

We just use what we have - and we have a lot to choose from.

Tanner decided about 5 minutes before the trunk or treat what he was going to dress up as, and I love that he and Dave love to dress up.

I learned years ago that the time and stress involved in creating amazing costumes that all match just ruins the fun for me.

My kids don't ever complain - in fact their favorite part of Halloween is watching "The Ghost & Mr. Chicken" and eating pizza.

They go to the ward trunk or treat and they go trick-or-treating on the streets near our house, but they don't get a ton of candy and they eat less than they get.  We're not big candy eaters over here.

I stayed home this year with a sick baby making pizza (yummy chicken bacon alfredo pizza!).

Akayla & Corina had homework to do, and they took care of the door.


We had a fun Halloween activity at the younger kid's school the Friday after Halloween - a drive-in movie with a costume contest and car show.

Each child was supposed to dress up and bring their own cardboard car creation.

We had some good ones.

Dave found 3 matching boxes and created this bus for our 3 girlies in about an hour.

He's pretty much awesome!

The girls brought pillows & sat nice and comfy the whole movie.

I was in charge of the activity and I thought it was pretty darn fun.

We had tons of popcorn and pop, and bags of candy were passed around.

Unfortunately, there was quite a mess to clean up afterwards, and all the kids were really wired up!

No biggie - Halloween is only once a year!

good things:
spray paint
my creative husband
words that brighten my day

1 comment:

Annie and Family said...

wow sweet bus Dave!!! Madi's birthday party is going to be a "drive in movie" party... I think I'll steal your design. Love the costumes too.