Thursday, January 3, 2013 year

Christmas break this year has been (in my husband's words) a "kid's dream"!  

So much snow!

The kids have gone sledding several times - even Akayla and some friends went a few times (the perfect cheap date right??  I guess they all had the same idea!) and had a blast.

My parents came for a quick visit with Genelle for New Year's Eve- so fun!
We learned a fun new game and stayed up way too late every night.
We had a traditional fondue feast and ate so much delicious food.
My house still smells like fried food.
It was worth it though!

piles of snow clothes
chocolate fondue heaven!!

Genelle & Adri trying Dave's cannoli's
 Homemade cannoli's.........AMAZING!!

Lea sharing her breakfast with Landon
I long for a schedule again but not for my kids to go to school or for the busy-ness of life.

Why can't I have it all the way I want it?!!

good things:
a quick trip to the temple
dinner at Olive Garden with my sweetie
getting the bi-annual dentist trip over with

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can so relate to the huge pile of snow clothes!!! You are such a good mom. Looks like you guys made tons of happy memories over the break!