Monday, September 2, 2013

bike ridin' and walkin'

Summer is coming to an end darnit!

My kids started back to school last Wednesday (I better get to that post right away!), and luckily we had a nice 3 day weekend before going back full force.

It's always bitter sweet when we start school again.

I like having my kids home, and I like all the help they give me with my 2 little stinkers.

I also really like getting back to a decent sleep schedule, and I admit I kind of like a quiet house.

So many changes this year.

My oldest daughter will be flying the coop in less than 2 weeks, and our newest baby will be born in about a week.

2 of my kids are going to a new middle school, and 2 other kids started at a new elementary school.


Dave got most of the bikes fixed up again this summer and we've been doing a lot of bike riding around here - and not just for fun either.

Tanner rides his bike a mile both ways for his new paper route, Akayla has ridden her bike 8 miles each way to work (she is working as a maid at the Black Swan Inn and loves it!), and even Dave has ridden his bike to work - more than 20 miles.

We've saved a lot of gas money and gotten a lot of exercise.

Dave and I also go on a walk nearly every evening (I'm huffing and puffing and he's just leisurely walking by my side).

We have also gone on lots of family walks down the road to the elementary school playground.

It's so nice and cool in the evenings that we love to take advantage of the beautiful weather!

Dave happened to ride his bike to work the day of the Pocatello flood, and he got to ride through some CRAZY puddles!  He was completely soaked when he got home and had lots of mud splatters everywhere!


good things:
beautiful rain storms
corn on the cob fresh from someone's garden
lots of mini pears ripening on our tree

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