Sunday, January 13, 2008

Spotlight on Tanner 2007

Tanner Christopher Ferrara
age 9 1/2

Fun things about me:
  • Birthday: June 7, 1998
  • I am #3 of 7 kids
  • I have 6 sisters and 0 brothers
  • Favorite color: green
  • Favorite food: Spaghetti
  • Favorite dessert: Apple pie with ice cream
  • Best friends: Brayden (from New Plymouth) and Josh (new friend from school)
  • Favorite scripture story: Ammon because he chops the arms off of the bad guys!
  • Favorite subject in school: Math
  • Favorite books to read: Harry Potter!
  • Favorite things to do: Legos, read, play PS2 and computer, basketball, hang with friends, chase and tease the girls, do stuff with dad, and go exploring!
  • Least favorite things to do: Practice the piano and clean my room!
  • Favorite movie: Harry Potter, Sky High, and Star Wars
  • Favorite tv show: stuff on cartoon network
  • Secret crush: NOONE, but there's like 5 girls at school that like me (Heartbreaker!) August Tanner's first day of school at "The Academy". Tanner has been homeschooled until this year (4th grade). We love homeschooling, but when we found this great school I felt so strongly that my kids needed to go there. It has been great for Akayla and Corina, and I was anxious for Tanner to go too. It is a charter school. The kids wear "uniforms" (khaki or blue pants and blue, burgundy, tan or white shirts with no logos) and the set-up of the school is really neat. I think it is a great place for my kids to be every day. It was a tough adjustment at first for Tanner because he liked the freedom of homeschooling. During the first month I really wondered if he would make it through, but he is doing great now! All the kids like him and he has some really good friends. He has learned so much. I am so pleased with how well he's doing now! They have music, spanish, P.E., science, computers, and concept boards every day. They move from station to station through the day and their learning is accelerated and very advanced. HOORAY! We love it and can't wait for Adriana to go in a few years.
    December Tanner needed to pass off a requirement for scouts so he wanted to make a whole meal. He planned it and made it with mom's help. He made his favorite meal....lasagna, with garlic toast, fruit salad, and green salad (with cranberries and almonds). It was delicious! He did a great job and he was pretty proud of himself! August We think Elli looks a lot like Tanner did as a baby. He loves her so much! It's cute to hear him talking baby-talk to her. August Johnson family reunion. Tanner has always been a little monkey climbing on everything! It's never a big surprise to find him at the top of a high tree, or on the house, or on the top of a swingset. He has strong arms from gymnastics so he wins every race to the top!
    August Hogle Zoo. Tanner loves animals. He loves acting like an animal even more. He chases the girls and their friends every day acting like a tiger (his favorite animal). They run away screaming (they LOVE it!) then come back for more. He's such a fun big brother!

    Tanner is super creative! He loves building things with legos but he also comes up with fun games to play and he makes cool things with paper. He makes some pretty amazing things. It's really tough to help him keep his room clean because as he gets working on his projects he makes a huge mess, and I don't have the heart to make him clean it up until he finishes it. Good ol' bud! Maybe some day he'll be an architect or something! June Tanner with his birthday "loot". I can't believe my little boy is already 9 years old!May Tanner has been in gymnastics/tumbling for a couple of years and is awesome! He can do some pretty impressive stunts. We love watching him and Corina doing their back handsprings and flips on the lawn and trampoline. He won a gold medal at the tumbling competition this year.

March Tanner is such a sweet big brother! Many nights he reads to Mariah in his bed until she falls asleep and he's always the one sticking up for her and helping her with her little problems. It takes a special kind of boy to be born into a family with all girls. He is good with them even though they drive him crazy sometimes. He does wish for a brother all the time, and who knows.....maybe he'll get one someday! The one good thing about it though is that he gets daddy all to himself and the girls have to share their mom. If he is anywhere near as good a daddy as our dad he will be great!
April It's a fuzzy picture, but you can see Tanner in this one! Tanner lives for basketball season and baseball season. He loved playing with the Jr. Jazz last year and can't wait for it to start again this year. He even got to go to a real Jazz game with his dad when basketball was all done. He's a great player. He's fast and he jumps like his dad! All he wanted for Christmas this year was his own basketball hoop. He was so excited when he went outside and saw the hoop his dad put up for him. Now he's out there every day shooting and dribbling.
March Tanner played in his first Junior Music Festival and received a Superior (the highest score you can get). He also played in my Spring recital and did a perfect job! He absolutely hates to practice but when he gets going he has a lot of musical talent. He just has to stick it out for awhile, and then I know he will love it! We tell him how much the girls will love a guy that can play the piano, but that isn't much of an incentive right now since girls are yucky!
March I got to be Tanner's wolf leader for the first few months, but then I was called to be the primary chorister. Tanner worked very hard to earn his wolf award and several gold and silver arrow points before his 9th birthday.
February Tanner loves rollerblading! He gets going so fast!

January Tanner's bear den decided to make their own sleds for a pack meeting. They all had to make a sled out of something they could find around the house. Tanner and daddy worked hard to make this awesome cardboard toboggan. Tanner had a blast!


Carissa J said...

I love it, Ang. You have done such a good job with this blog!

Anonymous said...

Tanner looks so suave in his blue shirt and oversized backpack. Which reminds me, I found a bumper sticker that says "My kid learns at a charter school"
I'll give it to you, so you can rub it in as much as you can!

I love Tanner's ramshackle sled! It kind of reminds me of "National Lampoons' Christmas vacation."

Anonymous said...

Oh, I wish I could comment on all of these immmaculate pictures, but there's just too many!
I love the one of Mariah sleeping in Tanner's arms. ANGELIC!