Friday, June 6, 2008


I think I was just meant to be a girl mom. When people hear that I have 6 girls they act like that is a bad thing. I actually love it! I love girly clothes, girly shoes, girly toys, and girly personalities! I LOVE doing my girl's hair. I think it's a way to be creative and fun and make my girls look pretty! One thing I know my girls will say about me when I'm gone is that we never left the house without a cute girly hairdo. (And mascara for those old enough - hee hee!) Here are a few of my favorite do's........

It takes 5-10 minutes with each girl and it's one-on-one time. They get their blanket and snuggle and we talk while we do it. We also practice phonics, times tables and counting! If you ever see my girls without their hair done you'll know I'm super stressed or very sick!

One interesting thing about girls: they cry a lot. Have you noticed? Tanner has never been much of a cryer. I've also noticed that the crying gets quieter, but more intense as girls hit a certain age. 7th grade has been a big crying year. There is always drama at our house with friends and boys. (I think 6th and 7th grade were the worst years of my life. I wouldn't want to go back to them for ANYTHING! It hasn't been nearly as bad for my girls thankfully, but emotions are a roller coaster!) I'm sooooooo glad that I have a good relationship with my girls! We are very honest and open with each other. I wonder if next year will be better for one girl, but worse for the other! There really is such a huge transformation over just a few months. Akayla will go to 8th grade, but Corina will be in 7th grade. We'll see how it goes this year!

good things:



one-on-one talks with my girls

boy hair that takes 30 seconds!


Carissa J said...

That's awesome, Ang. Will you do MY hair? It's funny that you love that so much because it seems like mom hated doing our hair. She would put a french braid in my hair (only if I begged) and then I wouldn't like it and quickly take it out and do it myself. Girls are so much fun! I love having nieces (I love my ONE nephew too).

Erin said...

You are amazing. My girls hate getting their hair done so we are lucky to get a bow in it. My hat goes off to you!!!

julie said...

Just to set the record straight, I didn't hate doing hair, I just wasn't good at it, my hands felt clumsy doing a french braid, and then it was ugly anyway. I've tried to do your girls hair, never does turn out cute like when you do it Angela, it's were meant for girls! I was better at the 30 second boy hair, maybe that's why I got four boys. Thank goodness I got my three girls too, even tho I was bad with the hair! M.

Ang said...

I seem to remember mom doing cute braid rings and other fun things in my hair, and I remember Genelle having really cute hair (while she was young....then she went through that it's cute again!!). Maybe you just squirmed too much Carissa! I think thick curly/wavy hair is sooooooo hard to do! My girls have easy hair to work with!

Gina Hallam said...

I think the Lord was playing a big joke on me. My boys won't let me be girly with them ;) lol.... I miss the girly girly stuff. I get girl time at girls camp but not this year. Enjoy that girl time for me too please :) Boy hair is super easy, but you get to a point where they won't let you even do that and it's a huge fuss to get them to do their hair.... "messy hair is in"

Genelle said...

Ang, you brat! You thought my hair was ugly? Well, guess who'll help the girls re-do their hair if it comes loose while you're gone. NOT I! Ha Ha! No, I know it looked bad... be quiet! If only I had nice, touchable, soft, fine hair like your girls.
*big sigh* If only...

The Ridings said...

Very cute! I was not blessed with the talent of doing hair, so sad. I guess that works though since I have one daughter who HATES having her hair fixed and another who can not hold still long enough.

jenjen said...

I'm with you ang...I love girls. I was thrilled to peices when I found out I was having our fourth girl! I am not as dilligent about doing the girls hair as I should be but I do know it is important and they usually get a little pony in it. Will you teach me how to do the braid with the ribbon in it, I remember that from when I was little and haven't figured it out! I have noticed the girls don't mind that I do their hair because we do it every day, no matter what! Such a great post!

Carissa J said...

You are right, Ang. I did squirm. I also remember crying and screaming. Just like me and piano lessons, mom just gave up fighting with me ;)

JAMIE said...

Ang, you are the coolest mom ever!!! Seriously, teach me to be like you. I love all these things that you know. So stinkin cool. NOw, you have to share how to do it, have the patience, and keep it all together

Tamara said...

I think you are a "Hair Artist"!! You do such beautiful work - and your sweet girls always look so beautiful!