Monday, July 14, 2008


I am stealing this from my friend Sarah. I thought that it looked like fun, and I hope you'll play along!

Here are the rules:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! If you don't have a google ID you can post a comment and click anonymous as your identity -- just make sure to sign your name so I know who you are!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.
It should be funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you (or if you don't have a blog I will e-mail you my memory!).


Gina Hallam said...

YAY I can be the first one :) I remember walking the boys home from school, you were sitting outside antiquing your shelves so we stopped and talked while the kids played. I remember our lunches at the park and how our days would be mirrors of each other...if your day wasn't going well, niether was mine :) I remember our many visits on the phone and in person. I remember all of our kids particular time was when you went to the temple and I watched your kids. Kaylena also called me to watch her kids, so I have 14 kids at my house, all under the age of 12 :) FUN FUN!!!!! I remember being on bedrest with Kyler and your family bringing dinner and sharing that time with us :) I loved it :) I remember when we went to the school to play days before we moved away and Akayla ran into the suburban, you ran over and then yelled at me "Gina over here NOW!!!!" I love how you're so straight forward :) I'm grateful that I was there and could help :) I remember when our kids were at your house playing, you told me that Analisa came to you upset and told you "Mom, tell Dallin we're getting married, and we're having babies" kids :0) too cute :) Tim remembers how sassy you were :) He loved made him laugh :) I remember how special "someone" made us feel special at Christmas when Tim was gone, I cried, and felt sooooo loved and cared about :) There are deffinately many many memories, of which I'm grateful for... oh here's another one... When we went down to Utah for Conference a year ago, our families went to the rock park for lunch, we went to subway to get lunch...Tim was trying to pay for the meal and you told the lady "Don't take any money from that man" :) lol... It's friendships like this that make life so sweet :) You may be Angela, but you're my angel :) I'm so grateful that the Lord has brought our friendship together :) Now to get some gas in the suburban and get down there for a visit :)

Anonymous said...

My very first memory was you in middle school, putting on mascara in the bathroom LOL. You were obsessed with having mascara on.

I remember, you were always nice to me, which, as you know in middle school it isn't always the most pleasant experience, so it's nice to find a friend.

I really don't recall if we had a class together in middle school but I remember just hanging out with you and Missy and Clin and Alexis.

Another memory was going to your house and watching Depeche Mode video's and your little brother was sick and puked all over your mom.

Oh and yes, we got the car fixed. But get this, about a week after it was fixed I had a "blonde" moment. This moth was bugging me (ha ha) in the car, and I was trying to swat it away and ended up hitting a mailbox. Just on the side of the car, all the way across the car. I think the poor car was jinxed.


JAMIE said...

I absolutley love this idea...Really, the memory that sticks in my mind the most is when I first met you. You were visiting your parents and had everyone with you...
I just remember thinking---wow...she is so cool, I wish I could be like her. I remember going out in your backyard and just walking around on the grass and complaining about your brother and how crazy he drove me. You were so great and gave me loads of advice. We just joked around and discovered we had very similar interests....I always thought we would make bosom friends---even without Brandon ( dang him)

Erin said...

You are so cute. I remember when we went up to that condo in Ogden or something about 5-6 years ago. I was pregnant with Jarom and we all went swimming in the pool and I thought you were so cool with all your kids and you were so laid back and not crazy like I thought people with a lot of kids were. I admired you and thought you were so awesome and I wanted to be like you some day...if I was lucky enough!

The Ridings said...

I remember you stealing gum from everyone's mouth to chew it. YUCK! I also remember sleeping in your backyard one night when Kip, Todd and Jared slept outside next door and they were told by the police (when they were out and about) to go inside because there was a criminal on the loose and those boys never came over to tell us!!!

Carissa J said...

One of my favorite memories of you was when you were babysitting us and we were all pretty young... You walked through the living room with the big window(it was night) and you said you were scared because of Freddy Crougar or you said you thought you saw him, or something. Anyway, you brought him up. We asked you who Freddy Crougar was AND YOU TOLD US!!! LOL!!! We were all so scared so we went into my bedroom (can't remember why we went to my bedroom) with my orange and white quilt and we sang childrens hymns like "I Am a Child of God". Good times! You taught me a good lesson... If you want to get rid of scared or evil feelings, sing a hymn.
Now, if I got the details wrong, don't correct me because that is how I remember it :) That is just one of MANY memories I have of you, Ang! I have a plethora of memories of you but the babysitting adventures are some of my favorite to re-visit.

Genelle said...

You must think I'm a bad sister for not commenting until now, but I just couldn't think! I have many memories of you and OTHER people, but not one of you and just ME!
It took quite some time, but I think I finally thought of one. (You might not remember, because Mom can't even remember, but I do!)
Somehow I jammed my foot, and my big toenail was seriously coming off! (It was really gross) Well, It needed serious help, so Mom took me to you. (You were still living in your little Motor home at the time.) and you gave me all these books to read to take my attention off of the pain of my toenail.
Anyway, when you were done, there was nothing left but the root of my toenail. SICK!
It took awhile to grow back....

Carissa J said...

Lol! Genelle, it wasn't a motor home! LOL!!!

Aaron said...

I remember going to the rock park and having lunch with you guys last April and it was very fun I love seeing you guys.

Aaron said...

ps: your turn

Ayrial Johnson said...

A great memory of you, is the first time Brandon brought me home to meet the family. I felf like I was at my own home, just with different faces. You instantly became the big sis. I always wanted to have to look up to. You happened to be at your parents for your 10 year reunion. I was so happy to meet you. p.s. I'm also leaving a message about us coming up there on the 14th, (thur. night) to spend the weekend. I left TWO messages on your house phone, but I see that you check your blog more than your phone/answering machine :) Give me a call. Mornings are great! (801-671-3942) in case you "forgot" Love you!

- said...

Two words: Cherry Hill.

ACTA said...

Hey mom!! Sorry it took a while to comment. I wanted to make my little comment EXTRA special!! Let's see, I don't really know where to start!! I guess I'll start with saying that I have always loved sitting next to you at night on the couch and listening to you read books to me! I always remember hearing you try to make the sounds the animals make in books like The Gruffalo. Haha!! You just make me laugh!! You're such a wonderful mom and I love how you always try to make the house as spotless as you can make it. Before we would go anywhere back in New Plymouth, I remember you FREAKING out before we would quickly go get our lunch at the park because the house wasn't clean!! I'm so glad you want a nice clean house!! It helps teach me how to be an awesome mom some day like you!! Do you remember the time in New Plymouth when we were getting the house clean ready for the realtor to come, and you broke the vacuum when you were vacuuming the downstairs? You yelled as loud as you could! I think it's just hilarious when you yell!! I love how you always apologize for yelling and being angry with me! It just makes me want to forgive you instintely!! Anyways, I have SO many more memories of you, but those are a few that I decided to write about!! I LOVE YOU MOM!!!

jenjen said...

one word: HEADGEAR!

Stephen and Amanda said...

What I remeber about you is when you guys lived in your old house. The house in the circle. Only 2 floors. I remember you decided we would make up a play and you were the director and you told all of us cousins what we would do and the parts we had and how to play the parts. It seems like we videotaped it or were going to or something. I can't remember all the details specifically. Just that Carissa and I were stuck behind the little bar area that was downstairs. I laugh thinking about that. Oh the fun we had as kids.