This is what happens when you leave a batch of granola in the oven while you take the kids to school - especially when you forgot that you turned the oven up higher so it would get done quicker!
It really is good though - and good for you. Here's our recipe:
8 cups rolled oats
1 cup wheat germ
1/4 cup ground flax
1/2 cup almonds, chopped
1/2 cup coconut
1 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup olive oil
1/3 cup water
1/3 cup apple-juice frozen concentrate, thawed
1 ts. vanilla
Combine rolled oats, wheat germ, flax, almonds, and coconut in a large bowl. Mix brown sugar, oil, water, apple-juice concentrate, and vanilla together. Pour over dry ingredients and mix well. Spread onto a large sheetcake pan. Bake in oven for about 30-60 minutes at 300 degrees. Granola should be a nice golden brown when done - not black around the edges!
Cereal is too expensive, and we are sick to death of oatmeal so this is perfect for us! You should try it!
good things:
fresh homemade granola (not the burned batch!)
finally getting the burned smell aired out
my house didn't burn down
I love home made granola, in fact my good friend gave me some for my birthday. The only problem I have with home made is having all of the ingredients on hand! Where do you get your flax see, wheat germ and "nuts"?
PS. Thanks for the sweet comments on your blog. I am glad to hear you struggled turning 30. You put it best when you said we love intensely, and get really hurt as well...so smart.
Ahhhhhhhh! I thought it looked good until I realized it was burnt... I thought it had blueberries in it. *shudder*
I agree though, Granola is the best. But, unfortunatley for us Weight Watcheree's, we can only have one cup. *frown*
I should try this... I just hope it comes out uncharred.
P.S. Kinda random, but I just watched "Chances Are" a while ago, and listening to "After All" right now reminds me of cute Robert Downey Jr.
Hey Genelle - granola is so filling 1 cup is plenty!!! I love Chances Are (the edited version). I totally love Robert Downey Jr.
Sorry about your burned granola. Were you able to salvage any of it? Fun to see your house too. I don't know when we will get North. We always travel South & maybe West while J&E are in Monterey.
Ang, I am listening to After All right now too. I love Robert Downey Jr.
Anyway, the granola looks good. I'm sure if it's homemade it's not as many Weight Watcher points as the store-bought kind. We should make some here!
Jen- I buy my flax, wheat, nuts, coconut, wheat germ, pretty much everything through a food storage company here and I buy in BULK for my year's supply, but if I run out of anything I buy in the bulk bins at the health food store. Sorry it took me so long to comment back!
Yummy granola. I have been wanting to make some. I bought all the ingredients and now its been months and I still haven't made it. It does sound good and I'm sure really good without the burned around the edges!
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