I have won some great things in my time. When I was about 12 my family went on a camping trip. We brought a whole bunch of Shasta pop cans. Shasta was running a contest and the winning prizes were on the bottom of the cans. I searched through each can in the garbage and found one that had a prize on it -- I won 100 free cans of pop. It was very exciting!
As a teenager I listened to a station that only played love songs. They had a contest once and I called (I was the 1st, 2nd and 3rd caller) and won.....tickets to a dance festival. I never went - it was in California and all I won was tickets to get into the event.
In college I listened to the Ricks radio station. They had a contest once. The 3rd caller would win a month's supply of Trident gum. I called right away -- I was the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd caller. HOORAY! I got a big box of Trident gum that only lasted about a week because I was so generous with my winnings.
My most recent win was this summer. I listen to the BYU-I classical station and they had a contest for play tickets. I didn't hear all the information but I thought a play would be fun to go to for date night. Of course I called right away.........I was the 1st, 2nd and 3rd caller again (notice the pattern?!) and I won the play tickets. Sounds great right?! Well, it turns out the play was Charlie & the Chocolate Factory put on by an Idaho Falls 3rd grade class.
I've given up trying to win cool prizes. I have come to the realization that I'm not really lucky -- I just listen to radio stations that noone else listens to!
good things:
prizes - even if they're kind of silly
great radio stations that others just haven't discovered yet!
As a teenager I listened to a station that only played love songs. They had a contest once and I called (I was the 1st, 2nd and 3rd caller) and won.....tickets to a dance festival. I never went - it was in California and all I won was tickets to get into the event.
In college I listened to the Ricks radio station. They had a contest once. The 3rd caller would win a month's supply of Trident gum. I called right away -- I was the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd caller. HOORAY! I got a big box of Trident gum that only lasted about a week because I was so generous with my winnings.
My most recent win was this summer. I listen to the BYU-I classical station and they had a contest for play tickets. I didn't hear all the information but I thought a play would be fun to go to for date night. Of course I called right away.........I was the 1st, 2nd and 3rd caller again (notice the pattern?!) and I won the play tickets. Sounds great right?! Well, it turns out the play was Charlie & the Chocolate Factory put on by an Idaho Falls 3rd grade class.
I've given up trying to win cool prizes. I have come to the realization that I'm not really lucky -- I just listen to radio stations that noone else listens to!
good things:
prizes - even if they're kind of silly
great radio stations that others just haven't discovered yet!
Hi Angela, I don't think you are NOT lucky - I kind of happen to believe what my husband always says. It goes something like: "I used up all my luck finding you." Why won't I love him when he says that, huh? :-) I might have paraphrased it a bit since I haven't heard it for a year or so. :-) Back to the subject, I think luck has so little to do in matters that really matter. When the probability is equal and either side has no big os small consequences, yeah, you might call it a luck. I am not sure if you read, I posted something titled, "I got lucky!" on my blog - but I don't think that was really luck either. But, someone upstairs might have been just happy for me and appreciative of my husband - so he made me feel lucky by opening doors for me. I am sure you are lucky in ways you don't even realize but others notice and perhaps even envy. So, hey, you are very LUCKY!!! Don't doubt that.
Ang- I'm like you...darn contests. I have one a few here and there but nothing fabulous, and even been to the Price is Right three times! Let's just not go to any casino's!
Ang, P.S: I just did the keeping it real - it took a while since you tagged - but go check it out... - warning though - I am not a decorator by any means!
You are so lucky. I never win anything but I'm glad to know that people really do win stuff. I used to wonder if it was all bogus but I'm glad to know that Angela is a WINNA!!!!
Wow! I can't tell if you're a believer of superstitions, (with your horseshoe and 4 leaf clover and stuff) or you're luck's target. Either way, congragulations. I just hope you don't break a mirror or walk under a ladder anytime soon...
I've won a couple things in my day as well.
Just yesterday, I won a prize in my English class for being the ONLY one who got 100% on my Huck Finn test. (True story)
Now that I think about it, I've won some really cool things! I should do a post on Luck too.
P.S. I hope you really did go to that play. Those poor third graders. I bet there were only 2 rows filled. They worked very hard, I bet. Maybe if Johnny Depp were in it, it'd be a full house?
This post made me laugh! Julie & I talked about winning a prizes, only to realize it is something no one wants. I love to win prizes. It seems like the more I want to win, the less I do. It's when I don't count on winning that something fun comes my way!
Lol!!! I must listen to the same stations! I love our classical station especially on Sunday. When my childrens friends get into the car they always wonder what we are listening to. SAD!
Ang, that's hilarious! LOL! Once I won movie tickets to "The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill and Came Down a Mountain". It was a dumb movie but I was so excited that I actually won something. I wish you'd use your luck and win me some New Kids on the Block ticket!
I love winning contests. I don't usually win, but fun with the few things I've won. Even as funny as the prizes are, its fun to win! :)
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