Sunday, September 14, 2008


I'm sure you know this is going to be a really exciting post just from the title, huh?! Friday night Akayla came running upstairs (all the kids sleep together in the theater room on Friday nights) to tell me that Mariah needed me. She said that she sat up and started screaming "I'm sick! I don't like to be sick!" Then she proceeded to throw up all over the mattress down there. So, 20,000 blankets are now in my laundry room ready to be washed. The next morning she seemed better. We figured it was maybe a touch of food poisoning or something until last night. I was holding Elli and rocking her while she fell asleep. She had been really crabby for about an hour, and I was so glad she was ready for bed. She was almost asleep when she suddenly lifted her head and threw up ALL OVER ME!!! We both jumped in the shower - clothes and all! This morning several of us woke up feeling icky, and a few more episodes that luckily have ended up in the toilet. NO FUN! It does seem to be a 24-hour bug, so we should be fine by tomorrow.

good things:
everyone sick at the same time so we can all get better quickly
playing hookie from church so we can all lay around in our jammies & blankets talking
not being sick any more


Amy Lu said...

We can go head to head with you on vomit stories...last summer we caugth cryptosporidium from the swimming pools. We had someone sick for abouot 2 weeks. In fact Amy had it when Robby got home from his mission & she missed his homecoming talk. So sorry you are under the weather.

Amy Lu said...

p.s. not amy llu. She is home for Sunday dinner & I sat down without chekcing who was logged in. That last comment would be Aunt Von

Gina Hallam said...

I am so sorry to hear that you guys had a bug :( I do hope you're all better by tomorrow :)

Sarah said...

I don't have an amazing the whole family is sick story. But I have a kid that for nearly two years, vommited at least 3 times a week. I've caught puke in every room in my house, while I was on the toilet, on an airplane, at church, while the elders were over eating dinner (that one was priceless), at my daughters dance class, in the dr.s office, while a ward member was over helping us with our taxes (that one involved splatter), in the bishops office, in a condo at bear lake, the hospital,the car Restaurants, playgrounds, and just a few weeks ago the zoo.

And None of it was stomach flu.

But I very much sympathize, cause at least I knew, I didn't have to disenfect the house, when Wesley pukes.

Erin said...

How aweful. I remember the crypto...NOT FUN!!! We had it in our little home for 2-3 weeks and we were more at the end of it for the whole Hoopes family. On Friday Sariah threw up on the queen bed in her that she has claimed as her own. After we got her to sleep and in her crib she threw up all over that. Yesterday at church she had diahrea (sp) and so we changed her once and not 5 minutes later she needed a change again but it was already running down her legs and made a mess all over the floor. If only I had known...we would have stayed home! I feel your pain!

Carissa J said...

Awww... your poor kids! Mariah is too cute "I don't like to be sick!" That is not fun. I hope everyone is better soon :)

jenjen said...

Gross! Sometimes, I think I'd rather have a cold than the flu, but at least it only lasts 24 hours!

Genelle said...

Not that I don't sympathize with you, because I really do, but I really hate hearing about... (gotta think of the best non-gross word) regurgitation stories. I was blessed with such a strong stomach. I haven't thrown up for 7 years! Your kids... not so fortunate. I think I could write a book about all the "cookies tossed" in your family!

The Hulbert Family said...

we have just been going through the same thing. Baby vomit all over mom, poo all over the bed and mom, trips to do the laundry a lot more often. Fun, fun.

Stephen and Amanda said...

All I can say is gross and gross to everyones stories that had comments of gross! It's just Gross!