- I took too long doing the little girl's hair today
- I didn't want my kids to be late for school
- I rushed out into the suburban in my pajamas and NO SHOES (I've NEVER done that before but I was in a very big hurry!)
- As we puttered along barely making it to the school I remembered I hadn't put gas in the suburban like I had planned to last night
- We rolled into the gas station on fumes and I had to get out of my car to get the gas into the car
- At least my kids looked cute
good things:
My kids weren't late for school
I didn't run out of gas
I didn't see anyone I knew
I wasn't sporting a "wife beater" and a mullet
Love it!
he he
Love that mine takes the bus and wants only straight hair with nothing in it. Makes it easy for me.
Ha Ha! Don't think you can try to escape the "Johnson curse." You're still a Johnson at heart, you know. We have crazy white trash mishaps all the time. But, at least we KNOW we're acting white trash...
LOL :) Ang.... I bet you still looked great :) You always look very put together and, yes your girls ALWAYS look cute :) you're too funny...
Do you remember in NP when you would have bad days, I would too ? lol.... It must be our vibes :)
You're too funny...thanks for sharing a bit of your craziness, you put a smile on my face :)
Angela we must be twins this week. I had shoes on, I didn't take too long getting kids ready for school, I was on my way to school & stopped at a gas station only to have them in the middle of rebooting computes, which meant the pumps weren't working. I left without gas went to class & rolled into the gas station on fumes. What a relief to make it without running our! I was worried I would run out 10 feet away from the pump & have to ask for help pushing my car the rest of the way...
I think that is so darn funny. I'm impressed that it's not a normal occurance with that many kids. You're my hero!
I always pick up my kids with out my shoes on. The worst is when I pick them up in my swimsuit...nothing like being immodest white trash!
That is great! I look just wonderful til about 1 every day. I just can't seem to bring myself to shower til I am done running and riding my horses. I am sure my neighbors wonder why it takes me til after lunch to look presentable.
Oh, Ang! I love it! I am so glad you are normal. No shoes? Really? hee hee!
Lol! Nice, Ang. You are your mother's daughter! At least you actually made it to the gas station. Mom wouldn't have been so lucky!
That's awesome! At least you didn't run into somebody you know, like an old boyfriend or something!
That's funny. It's funny to hear from your siblings and how "Johnson" that is I guess! It made me laugh.
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