These are our only choices?

I've had several people ask what my take on the election is. I'm not happy with either candidate, and I think McCain has run an embarrassing campaign. That being said....I'm still voting for McCain. He is in line with all of my core values and opinions. I feel so strongly that big government is not the answer. There are so many issues, but I feel that McCain is the better candidate. What do you think?
One other anyone else experiencing troubles leaving comments on blogs? It seems like Google is messing around with things and it's a lot harder to leave comments for me!
good things:
freedom to choose
pumpkin pancakes for breakfast
Scentsy - toasted apple butter

One other anyone else experiencing troubles leaving comments on blogs? It seems like Google is messing around with things and it's a lot harder to leave comments for me!
good things:
freedom to choose
pumpkin pancakes for breakfast
Scentsy - toasted apple butter
That's weird. I haven't been having trouble leaving messages. I have thought about it long and hard and I decided to vote for Palin... I mean McCain. I was going to write in "Romney" but decided that would be a wasted vote. I sent you a funny picture of Palin and Obama so check your email :)
I got it Carissa - loved it! I thought about writing in Romney as well, but I really don't want Obama in office, so I wouldn't do that either!
I agree with both of you. Not really happy with either candidate, but seens how we are a military family I would never on my life vote for Obama who has absolutely no pride in our country or it's military! I wish I could write in Romney as well but that would only give Obama more of a chance :0(
AMEN!!! It's all I can say. I don't like either, but Obama scares me to death with all his crazy connections that he really doesn't have any idea about. It scares me too that there was a thing on the news that terrorists are following the campaign very carefully. Why...I wonder?
I just have to say I love the good things on every submission, and everyone in the world watches what happens here for a whole plethora of reasons, freedom requires work, keep doing your part and never throw a vote away!
FinallY!!! People who believe EXACTLY how I do. I'm with you. Vote for the "lesser of 2 evils." Our hands are almost tied. It's crazy and scary! I also believer prophesies are coming true and more will be revealed. Sorry! Soapbox! I'm down now.
Bob Barr 2008! Seriously, I'm going to vote Libertarian this year. I don't see it as a vote for Obama, just because McCain is obviously going to take Utah. Sadly, it's almost certain that Obama is going to win at this point, so get ready for the most liberal Senator in the US working with a comfortable majority Democratic House and Senate! Yay!
Oh Ang, did you hear that I got accepted for an internship out in DC this coming summer? It'll be a blast! You should come out with the fam and see our capitol!
Hope your bday was good. :)
Hi Ang :) So toasted apple butter is your happy place? :) Don't you just love scentsy :) I know I do :) As far as the elections... I see so many things falling apart and we're trying to get out of here before everything falls apart. I just pray that we can be where we need to be when we need to be there.
I do hope your birthday was a great one. I sent you a card on facebook and was thinking about you all day :)
No comment on the race, but I love reading your blogs Angela, just don't have time to comment often, but I try to look when I can. It's the only way I get to see my grandkids right now! Mom
Well The GOP could have done better this year BUT the democrats did worse. I feel at least McCain and Palin will be honest with us in the sense that they say what they mean most of the time.
Obama is so scary to me, and I feel that McCain will at least protect our country from the outside.
Plus I like Palin. She has to know something if she can get such a great approval rating from her state. I also have cousins that worked for her and said they felt she was honest, fair, and a good person. Yeah she could have a little more experience BUT then looks what happens to the people who do have experience in Washington.
Sigh........I feel the need to watch Mr. Smith goes to Washington. Now that is Patriotism.
I couldn't agree more. I don't dislike obama personally but I completely, strongly disagree with many of his opinions. His stance on abortion, primarily on late term abortion, even most liberal democrats refuse to support it. He does. I completely disagree with taxing people making 250K more. They tend to be the employers. I would rather not get more of a tax refund and instead have my husband have a job. When they do redistrubiton of wealth it leads to unemployment and the fed actually take in less money. They take in more when the wealthy are allowed to hire more people and make more purchases. And I really hate the thought of having to back into Iraq, because we left it in chaos.
Biden- gag.
McCain I think is an honest guy, and will do great with the military & international problems but I have less confidence in his understanding the economy but I think he knows who to go to for that. He however is totally off on just giving us $$ to buy insurance, has he ever tried to privately purchase insurance??? Cause unless the pre existing condition clause is stopped there is no point. I know I've tried.
I also feel like McCain is being handled by his people, much like Bush was and not really grasping what the outside world is like. I'm very uncomfortable with that.
And Palin: very nice gal, needs a few more years under her wing before I would feel comfortable with her taking over the presidency.
That being said, I will vote for McCain. Man I bet he wished he had put Romney in the vice pres role now. He understands the economy and has done great things with the health care system in Mass.
off my soap box now.
Yeah, I hate them all! Except Palin. I wish Romney could've won. They're all just a bunch of idiots! Except Palin. And I don't think they have enough experience. ESPECIALLY Palin. This is the worst campaign we've ever had, and this'll be the worst 8 years of presidency ever!
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