Friday, February 20, 2009


In light of what we've been going through I found this video inspiring. I sometimes feel bitter, but this man has more reason to be and his attitude is amazing!


Kaylyn said...

Thank you for sharing that Angela. It is so sad that those people have to go through that. But there attitude is wonderful.
I dont know what is happening with you and Dave but I hope everything turns out for the best. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

The Checks Mix said...

So were your investment issues from 07 tied up with the Madoff scheme? I am so sorry you guys have had to deal with such a loss. You seem to be handling it quite well considering. That man is quite an inspiration isn't he? I would have a REALLY hard time not being bitter if that happened to me. Thanks for sharing.

Erin said...

WOW! It's so hard sometimes and to see someone with a great attitude is so inspiring. Thanks for sharing that with us and I hope that everything works out for you. We love you!!!

Carissa J said...

That's awesome. We all need to have a fighting spirit during these hard economic times.