Sunday, June 28, 2009


I've got a secret, and these are the only hints you're going to get...........

Can you guess?

good things:

a Sunday nap

warm chocolate chip cookies & milk

seeing old friends


Kaylyn said...


Erika said...

another baby! YEA!!! HAPPINESS!!!

Amishka said...


Kaylyn said...

Sorry you have 7 children! I didn't count before I said that. Congratulations!!!! That is very exciting! 8 is a great number! I like even numbers.

jenjen said...

How, fun. I have been thinking so much about you lately! Will I see you this summer?

The Whittacres said...

Yippee!!! I have a "baby" buddy...too bad we are not close enough to go shopping together! AWESOME!

Sarah said...

Congratulations Sweetie!!!!

Annie and Family said...

Hooray for you!!!!! Another darling Farrara on the way! Yaaaa.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Wow, number eight. That is so cool. By the way, I listened to the Jon Schmidt song you have on the side, and I love it! I played it for my kids hoping to motivate them to want to practice more. ha ha Have a great day!

Erin said...

sweet! that's so darn fun for you guys!

Audrey said...

I loved that show!!! Congrats. That is awesome!

The Ridings said...

So happy for you!

Maggie's Madness said...

Congratulations! I'm sure you stay busy taking care of all those sweet things. At least you have older ones to help out.