If you know Corina or knew her growing up you wouldn't be surprised to hear that she's a little shy. She has actually come way out of her shell over the past few years. She makes friends easily, but she doesn't like a big crowd. She's perfectly happy with a couple of friends at a time, and once people get to know her they see her fun crazy side.
She doesn't like being the center of attention. She doesn't like having to speak while others are listening. She has a really hard time even saying a family prayer when it's her turn. When she was asked to give a talk in primary she prepared it but wouldn't stand up and give it - even when she was almost 12!!
Since she has been in young women she has been dreading having to give a talk in sacrament meeting. 2 weeks ago her YW leaders cornered her and asked her to give a talk the following Sunday. She was immediately in tears and sick to her stomach. She said she would think about it. She prayed about it, but still didn't want to give the talk.
Her YW leaders came over the next day with brownies and a promise to take her to coldstone after she gave the talk. Who could refuse coldstone? She agreed, but with many more tears and A LOT of anxiety.
Her dad told her to pretend noone else was in the room. I told her not to forget to breathe and not to lock her knees so she wouldn't pass out.
Sunday came. She was well prepared, and had said a lot of prayers. She gave a beautiful talk and didn't look up once! I grinned the whole time because I was so proud of her (and of course I cried too!)!! I knew how hard it was for her though most people in the room didn't have any idea. When it was done she started crying and kept crying for 1/2 an hour. I thought it was because she thought she did a bad job, but she said it was because she was so happy it was over!
After YW on Tuesday her leaders took her to coldstone. She totally deserved it!
good things:
facing your fears
my sweet 13 year old
cake batter ice cream from coldstone
Oh, I am so proud of her and she doesn't even know me! But I remember having some of those same fears and I was just telling my primary class about it! I teach the oldest girls (10-12) and we have had a problem with no one wanting to say the pray in class. I told them they would be so glad when they where an adult if they faced those fears now! You go girl! :)
She is so sweet! What a great girl! She did an awesome job on her talk. I was proud of her.
way to go!!!! That's always a hard thing to do but if you really don't like crowds that would feel almost impossible!
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