Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tanner's big month

12 years old - practically a teenager!!

Celebrating with the fam - camping in the backyard

first time tying his own tie

Avatar and a helicopter with crank that turns the propellers (original design by Tanner)

LEGO contest - 3rd place (he got a $20 gift certificate)

way fun birthday party - flour war and steal the flag

This month:

*Tanner turned 12 (we celebrated by camping in the backyard & roasting

hot dogs & sm'ores over the firepit!!)

*He got his first real tie after begging for a long time!

*He had a really fun birthday party (they had a flour war, but the best part was when all his girl friends came and crashed his party with water balloons-they were also having a the boys went back to retaliate........then the girls came again and everyone got REALLY wet!!)

*He received the Aaronic Priesthood

*He passed the sacrament for the first time

*He entered some of his lego creations in a LEGO contest and won 3RD PLACE!!

*He got to babysit for 2 weeks while mom and sisters had string camp

Tanner is one great kid. It's funny because he was a little terror until he was about 9, but now he's this laid back, happy, helpful, sweet young man. I couldn't ask for a better son! My girls might start out easier, but I think people are right when they say boys are easier teenagers!!

He's really fun with all the neighborhood kids -- he lets them come and play with him and doesn't get bugged at all.

He is really close with the 3 oldest girls in our family - they have tons of inside jokes and they stay up late talking and laughing.

People always say they feel sorry for Tanner because he has all those sisters and no brothers but he has said many times that he loves being in a big family and having lots of sisters. Akayla and Corina think he will be the best boyfriend/husband because he's more sensitive than most guys.

good things:

finally enough deacons to pass the sacrament without any men

water fights

my son - the tease!!

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