Thursday, July 15, 2010

forever familiies

One of my best friends Amy experienced every parent's nightmare this week.

Her little boy, Gabe, was watching a movie with his older brother when his little heart stopped. They brought him to the hospital and revived him, but he wasn't breathing on his own.

I was out of town.

On Monday Amy called me and told me what had happened and invited me to the hospital.

Dave and I went over and spent some time with David, Amy and little Gabe.

They said they knew his little spirit had already gone to be with Heavenly Father.

They were so calm and peaceful, and the spirit was so strong in that room.

They understood that though they will miss him terribly -- their family is eternal.

I couldn't help but cry when I touched his little curly head.
He is one of the most beautiful little boys you've ever seen.

When I was having trouble getting Leandra here I would just go get Gabe and snuggle with him and wish for another sweet baby of my own!

As I was leaving the hospital Amy grabbed me and we cried a little bit......she has cried a lot I know and will cry for a long time...... and she said she was going to need to snuggle with Leandra when she's missing Gabe.

What a blessing it is to know that their family isn't broken - that it continues because they were sealed through God's power in His holy temple. What strength and comfort the Lord's spirit can give to His children!!! I am so grateful for this knowledge!!

good things:
families can be together forever


Amishka said...

Thank you Angela!!

Marley Family said...

What a touching post.

Unknown said...

Events like these that happen to us in our lives really put things in perspective. What a beautiful post. My heart goes out to the family.

Jeron & Brook said...

I can tell from your post this family must be very strong and wonderful. Having the knowledge that we do can be so helpful. It is in these times of need that our Father in Heaven truly carries us through. Please let them know that our thoughts and prayers are with them.