Monday, April 14, 2008

Cherished moments

A friend of mine pointed out a website memorial for a sweet little 3 year old who got into a car that was parked in her driveway to look for "lollies" and after only 30 minutes was gone. It was a little reminder to me of just how special our time is with our children and that I should cherish each little moment with them. The title of my post links to the memorial website if you want to read it. It is very sweet. This is the mother's blogsite. It's heartbreaking to say the least.

Good things:
Akayla, Corina, Tanner, Adriana,
Annalisa, Mariah, and Elora
Another day
Little reminders


Genelle said...

Awwww. Ang, it's true! We should cherish life! Did you hear on the news about the Lakeland cheerleader who got beat by 6 girls? Scary stuff. Carissa told me about it, and I can't even believe what ANIMALS they were. If you want to see it, you can look it up.

Jenny-ology said...

that is so sad. HOw hard for that poor family.

This is a good reminder since the past week or so, my kids have been fighting and throwing fits so much that I have been losing my sanity. So this timing was perfect for reminding me how precious all our time is.