Sunday, June 15, 2008

to the dads in my life

If I could describe each one of you in one word it would be.......


My dad:

You are full of fun, full of gusto, full of responsibility, full of generosity, full of belly laughs, full of teasing, full of reading and playing with grandkids, full of craziness, full of life!

My father-in-law

You are full of great ideas, full of surprises, full of music, full of silly jokes, full of making people happy, full of loving grandkids, full of happiness, full of teaching, full of laughs!
I wish I had a different picture to put on here, but since I don't know how to use the scanner I have to use pictures that are on my computer - I'll work on that!

My husband:

You are full of happiness, full of spiritual guidance, full of fun, full of talent, full of service, full of teasing, full of intelligence, full of leg-springs, full of creative genius, full of my food!

Happy Father's Day to the best dads a girl could have!

good things:

making dad breakfast in bed

primary kids singing in sacrament meeting
trying to make a special day for our dad


Genelle said...

Wow! That's a great message, Ang. I don't think we'd be the same family if we didn't have our Dad. I'm so glad you shared that with us.
I only wish I could wish Dad a "Happy Father's Day" in person...
"Happy Father's Day, Dad!"

Gina Hallam said...

Go DAD's :)

JAMIE said...

I have so much to learn from you...It does change our lives with our fathers in it. My daddy is my best bud,. SOund like you have some good role models for you and your children.

Brandon Johnson said...

I love it Ang! The words you used to describe them are perfect! I like your "one word" description too -- FULLOFIT. Classic!

Carissa J said...

I love the picture you used for dad. It completely illustrates who he is! A HAM! I love this post. I'll have to tell dad to read it ;)

Carissa J said...

Hey, Ang... Can you give Jennifer (Mix) my email address? I don't know how to get it to her so she can invite me to view her blog. Just in case YOU don't know my email address... It's Thanks!

Tamara said...

What a heartfelt tribute to the amazing men in your life! :o)

julie said...

I love your dad blog Angela. But then, I love all of your blogs. You do a great job telling your feelings in an inspirational way. By the way, Vonnie wants to be invited into your blog, and you to hers. M.

julie said...

Angela, you are a very thoughtful daughter. I love you blog about Fathers. It makes me proud of being a father and having a wonderful daughter such as you. Love, Dad Johnson

Erin said...

I noticed that I didn't leave a comment here on yours either...oops! I haven't spent a lot of time with you guys but I know that Dave seems to be a great dad and your dad is one of the best. I always love when we get together b/c he always makes me smile with his fun little laugh and his huge smile that I don't think I've ever seen him without. You are a lucky lady Ang!!!