As of today Miss Elora Virginia Ferrara is a walker. I don't know how she was this morning while I was gone at string camp, but since I've been home she has decided she likes walking better than crawling. She's getting faster and faster and she has great balance now! She walked all the way from the kitchen to my bedroom then back to the kitchen without getting down to crawl, and now she's up on two legs for good! It's so fun to see a little tiny person walking around like she owns the place. I don't have a tiny baby any more (sniff sniff!).
I hate it...they grow too fast! We aren't sure how many babies I can have (being diabetic and everything) it is too much when my baby hits milestones for me. So tiny one day and then HUGE the next. When people don't see them for a month or two, they are different all around
It was so wierd to see Ellie walking while at your house yesterday. The week before you were still trying to coax her to walk, and now she just stands up and away she goes. What a cutie, it was fun taking care of her yesterday. She likes me a little bit ('course as soon as Corina walked in the door, she was through with me). Yes, they do change and grow so fast. M.
WOW!!!! Did she do the monkey thing like Mars did? That was too cute :)
I can't believe she's old enough to walk...okay, that does it, we HAVE to make a side trip and get down there to see your growing family :) (i wish :(sniff sniff)
I feel your pain. It's so fun to see them grow up and at the same time it's sad when they aren't that little "baby" anymore. She is adorable.
Cool how exciting
Awwww! That's so cute! That Elli is such a little devilish angel, but that's why we all love her! I can't believe she decided to walk when I wasn't around. Hmph!
You need to post a video of her walking. She is such a character!
That's exciting! Lexi has been walking all over the place now too! I left for camp for four days, and before I left she had taken a few steps here and there, but when I got back she was walking all over the place! They will have tons of fun together!
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