Monday, September 8, 2008

Mariah can ride a bike!!!

Mariah had asked me several times this summer to teach her to ride a 2-wheeler bike (her words). She's only 4 so I encouraged her to keep riding with her training wheels. Well, she got tired of it so she started riding our neighbor's old bike on her own. What a surprise we all got when she asked us all to come watch her and she rode and even braked on her own with a real 2-wheeler! Adriana gave her a few pointers, then she practiced a bunch! Here's the little video: (The first little girl is our little friend Holly from my last post. She somehow manages to get into half of our videos and pictures! )

The next video is Elli right after dinner. I often have my babies eat in their diapers only since they are so good at getting messy. Don't you love the crazy hair?!!

good things:

children who get things done instead of waiting around for me!

not having to teach kids how to ride a bike

summer freedom (staying up late, playing outside, & walking around in only a diaper!)


Genelle said...

First of all, I love your new blog title: BETTER WHEN WE'RE TOGETHER. Did you steal that from your playlist song "Better together" by Jack Johnson? Don't try to take credit there, Ang. Ha Ha!
Secondly, I'm so proud of Mariah. Those kids are all prodigies. They teach themselves at such a young age. YAY! P.S. Good ol' Holly always has to get her 15 minutes of fame.
Lastly, I just have to say... Elli is so cute! That little laugh is so funny when she leans forward and squints her eyes! I wish I could come and squeeze that little belly of hers...

Gina Hallam said...

How super fun for Mariah :) YAY MARS@!!!!!!! Ellie is growing so fast :( She's too cute.
It's wonderful to have older siblings to teach our younger ones to ride bikes :) Kyler had that same experience this summer.

Erin said...

That is so much fun. 2 wheelers are totally awesome! Elli is such a cute little one. I love the days of them running around in their little's so cute!

Carissa J said...

Ahhh... they are so cute! Yay for Mariah! There is a sense of pride when you are able to teach yourself something. Elli is adorable, of course. What a ham! I heard you committed to Genelle that you'd come for Thanksgiving... Don't change your mind because I really want to see my nieces and nephew! Then, next time, I will come up to visit you guys!

Carissa J said...

Ang - what did you do to get that thing on your side menu that tells when a blog was updated last? I really want it!

Ang said...

Carissa - I know, it's my favorite thing now because I don't have to check every blog. It's a new thing that you can add called My Blog List. You have to type in the addresses again like when you put them on your link list, and it doesn't show those who are private. We are definitely planning on kids have the whole week off of school, so we might be able to come and watch Twilight at midnight with you guys!!!!

The Ridings said...

Very cute! Brady taught himself how to ride. I guess the more children you have the harder it is to find time. The young ones end up being the tough ones.

jenjen said...

ok, so will you have mars show Tess how to ride. That's right my 8 year old is too scared to learn. She has done it, but refuses to ride. She'd rather walk or run while the others are riding! Good for her to just do it. I love that she had to borrow the neighbors bike!

Brandon Johnson said...

Yay Mariah! That's exciting! She looks really excited, and for good reason.