If you've never seen What About Bob you can skip this post! It is a Johnson family favorite. It's like the Napoleon Dynamite of my youth. Our family still quotes lines from it and we all laugh and laugh. We especially laugh about how funny my dad thinks it is. He took my sister Carissa to the theater to see it and embarrassed her by laughing louder and longer than anyone else in the theater.
Favorite lines:
"Is this corn hand shucked?"
"I'm sailing!"
Favorite part of the whole movie:
The dinner scene when Bob is thoroughly (loudly) enjoying his meal. Then the doctor starts to choke and Bob totally jumps up and down on him. Then to top it off his family comes running....not for him, but for Bob "the hero!" !!!!!
So, lately I can totally relate to Dr. Leo Marvin. We have a sweet little girl up the road named Holly. She is so much like Bob it is scary! She has the same happy innocent nature, and the same knack for causing problems and irritation. She has a piercing nasal voice, and she likes to follow me around (especially when I'm stressed and needing to get things done) to talk to me. She is a year older than Annalisa (7) and she loves our family (especially Anna). Because she's an only child she sees how fun it is to have a lot of people to play with and wants to spend every waking moment at our house.
I really like her, and I enjoy having other children at our house SOMETIMES! After she has knocked on our door the 20th time of the day I tend to get knots in my stomach and I want to lash out irrationally.
Saturday evening we were having some family time. Holly had stopped by several times and we had explained that we were having family time and we couldn't play. We decided to go on a bike ride, so we went outside to get our stuff together. Holly kept hanging around and getting in our way. She teased Mariah, she picked Elli up making her scream, and she dropped a bike on Tanner. We went inside for a few minutes, and I kindly asked her to go play over by her house so we could get ready to go. Dave is like the sweet wife of Dr. Marvin and he thought I was rude. I found myself saying these lines: "Do you think she's gone?!! She's NEVER gone!!!" I opened the front door, and who did we see standing on our front step ready to play??? You guessed it......HOLLY!!!! Seriously. We all laughed and went on our bike ride.
Last night we watched What about Bob? (the edited version - don't like all those swear words!) as a family and we laughed the entire time at the similarities between Bob and Holly.
Now, how do I live with this situation without going crazy like the poor doctor did?!!
Good things:
being able to laugh at silly situations
classic comedies
a good editing program
Gotta love "What About Bob?". You missed a great line... "He's not gone, he's never gone! You see!" The dinner scene is my favorite too though. Good luck with your little neighbor friend! Don't let it get to you too much or you might end up going crazy like the good doctor!
LOL!!! Ang, that is hilarious! I love it! That is the best movie... I'm sorry you have a "Bob" in your life. That is so great that you said, "You think she's gone? She's never gone!" and then she was standing outside!!! So funny! Thanks for this funny post. It made my day :)
Life is not complete without a Bob in your life at some point!!
What a hoot.
Maybe bribe her to only come to your house once a day LOL
I have never seen "what about bob." But I do know somehow who is a bob - or so much like Holly you have. :-) i guess bob is everywhere....
Hilarious...just hilarious. Good luck with the Bob in your life. She sounds cute, poor thing is an only child, but once or twice a day is about all I could handle I think. You probably need some alone time with your kids also.
I looovvve the deck table and chairs. Very cool. Enjoyed reading about all you are doing during the school days also...you should write a book about organization. This is a rare comment from me...life has gotten really busy!Dave is doing all kinds of wonderful things also! Mom
Oh my!!! I love that movie but I do feel bad that you have your own little Bob to deal with. Please don't go crazy on us. That's a tough situation to be in and I wouldn't know what to do. You're a much nicer person than I am! Good luck!!!
sis sarah- You've obviously never met Holly....
Ang, I must say, it must me really tough having that... well, how can I say this nicely? That PLAGUE coming to your house all the time. I had my share of "Holly" moments when I was babysitting up there as well. It was only a couple times, but she tried to persuade me into letting them come over to her house.
It was always the same answer: "No Holly. Sorry! *more pleading* No. NO. NO!!!"
I had to stop myself from strangling her...
Anyway, I feel so bad for you! I just hope you don't have to result to "DEATH therapy."
I remember that movie :) LOL!!!! I think at some point in our lives, we ALL have a little "bob" walking around, under, or behind us. Patience is the key. What who am I talking to? The queen of patience :) You can do it..I'm so glad that she likes you guys and wants to be around you. There are so many children who need to be around families like yours :) Be grateful.
I wanted to kill bob at the end of the movie too! Just like the doc. he drove me insane, but Daniel loved him!
laughing out loud over here! I am also a fan of what about bob and my family quotes its lines randomly in normal conversation. I love it that "Do you think she's gone? She's never gone" popped into your head at the most appropriate time!
That is one the best things about movies- using their lines in normal conversation!
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