Monday, March 22, 2010

A name and a blessing

For journaling purposes I wanted to write a little about Leandra's name.

I love choosing girl names. I am always thinking of new ones - in fact I already have the next girl's name chosen (hee hee!). I always choose princess names because my girl's are princesses.

I had a friend named Leandra (sounds like Lee-Andra) in high school and I always thought it was a pretty name. Well, Dave dated a girl before me whose name was Leandra but she went and still goes by a different name. For the past several girls I have suggested the name but because of a past girlfriend Dave didn't want to use that name. She might think he wanted to name his daughter after her or something ??? I don't have a problem with it at all. She's a beautiful person (his old girlfriend) and she has a beautiful name that I happen to really like so this time I told Dave I would get to choose the name if we had a girl and he could choose if we had a boy.

We both love the name now and he doesn't have any weird issues with it any more. Yes, I'm very smart!

Her middle name is Lynn and this also has a background. Each of our children is named after a grandparent. Tanner is named after Dave's dad. Akayla and Corina are named after our mothers. Adriana, Annalisa, Mariah, and Elora are named after our grandmothers. We decided to name Leandra after my dad - but Leandra Gary sounds pretty awful! So we used his middle name and I think it is adorable!

We call her Lea (or Leah) for short. She fits perfectly into our family!

good things:
spring break
german pancakes


The Youngs said...

Oh Angela, this is very nice. By the way, I am expecting and we are both trying to come up with names - I don't know if we are having a boy or girl yet but we are still mulling over a few names. I just don't know how you know for sure what name would fit your child. My parents gave us names with a meaning. But, here people seem to name their children just because it is common or it sounds good or what not. Oh well... I am sure we will figure it out eventually - kind of have to, huh. :-) Will post the ultrasound pic once we know the gender. I hope I will grow up to be a half as good mom as you are.

Marley Family said...

I love her name too! So beautiful!

Annie and Family said...

I love names that have meaning. It always makes it fun for the kids to tell the story of their names! And your children have beautiful ones. By the way... I am totally missing you and wish we could have a "run away" to visit! :( Doesn't that look like a pitiful pouty face? Oh well, I tried.

Erin said...

She does have a beautiful name as do your other kids. I always love the idea of family names too. Thanks for sharing that. We've been given a hard time for ours but I like it. We have scripture names as their first names which always gives them someone to look up to as a hero and their middle names are family names. I didn't plan it that way to start with but I'm not changing it now. You're awesome Angela and I hope one day we can actually get together and hang out so I can get to know you more!