We always have a good time.
Corina was in charge of the lesson and she was trying to pass off a YW goal.
She did her lesson on tithing.
She shared some scriptures and bore her testimony of tithing.
She gave Elli 10 huge marshmallows and asked her to just give her back 1.
Of course Elli gladly did because she still had 9 huge marshmallows all to herself!
Corina asked me if I had any experiences with tithing.....
Of course I do!!
When Dave and I got married we were both working full time even though I got pregnant pretty much the very first day of our marriage.
It was easy to pay tithing because we were rolling in the dough!!
I quit my job a week before Akayla came.
2 days after Akayla was born Dave was called to be a counselor in the bishopric in our family ward. (I still remember walking very slowly to the stake president's office because my bottom was sore from giving birth!)
So Dave was going to school full time, working part-time at the MTC, had a very busy calling, and he was in the seminary program so he had extra classes.
He was a busy boy and his grades were starting to slip.
We prayed about what to do and both felt like he should quit his job.
Then we decided to have faith because we were promised that if we always pay our tithing the Lord will bless us.
We knew things would work out somehow and we would be able to feed our family and pay our bills.
When a new month came I started to feel scared so I prayed and asked the Lord to help me find some way to help with our finances and still stay home with our baby (and I was already pregnant again!).
That same day a woman in our ward called and asked if I would teach her 3 children piano lessons, and another woman asked me to teach her 2 children piano lessons.
I had taught piano lessons for a few years before I moved to Provo, but it's sometimes hard to find students.........
.......the Lord answered my prayer SO FAST!!
The funny thing is - the money from those 5 students was exactly enough to cover those bills we had!
I had several more piano students after that and we were blessed beyond what we needed.
But I always knew that we were blessed because we paid our tithing and because we had faith and just trusted in the Lord.
It was a great family night!
We sang songs while Dad lead the music and Adri accompanied us on the piano.
We had cupcakes that Annalisa made.
Mariah and Tanner said the prayers
Mom conducted our "meeting".
Akayla helped us practice an article of faith.
Elli helped Corina with her lesson.
and Lea distracted everyone with her giggles and funny noises.
Then we played Murder in the Dark
You really haven't played until you've played with the Ferrara's!!!
good things:
being the last one alive in the game
hearing your almost 14 year old share her testimony
having your whole family together one night a week
Can I tell you again that I love reading your blog?!
Thank you for sharing your experience regarding tithing. My hubby has just graduated and is looking for work. We, too, have a deep faith that the Lord will open doors somewhere to allow me to stay home with the soon-to-arrive kidlet. We have paid a faithful tithe our entire lives together, and we're holding on to that promise that the Lord will open the windows of heaven.
A Guatemalan friend said in her country there's a saying that literally translates to "when a baby joins a family, she brings a loaf of bread under her arm." I'm not being picky, but I'm hoping for a whole bakery.
Thanks for this inspiring post, Ang. We've always been pretty consistent about having family night, but the one's we've had the last few months have been less than ideal. Your thoughts reminded me of some of the good times hearing my children teach the lessons or my husband captivate the kids with his interesting and true stories relating to the gospel. I like what Elder Bednar said in a recent conference that its being consistent that counts.
That is the sweetest post! Thank you for sharing. Our boys are just getting old enough to start participating and we're having fun divying out the jobs and coaching Easton on how to conduct the meeting. (Conducting the singing is a little different. He just jumps around waving his arms while we sing.) It's so good to know that it just keeps getting better!
P.S. I'd love to play Murder in the Dark with the Ferraras! :)
We had our FHE on tithing too..... isnt the gospel amazing!
Murder in the Dark rocks! When are we playing? I need a good laugh;)
What a great FHE! I love the ones that are a success. There are some at our house that makes me and my hubby raise our eyebrows. :) This one sounded great. I love your post below about getting older. It is fun to read your stories and hear more about your family. Hope you're having a great day!
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