Monday, September 19, 2011

Homecoming 2011

Akayla & Joe

this was after the dance - after they'd all been dancing and sweating - but it was a really fun group!

Picked up a lovely dress at Ross this summer for $20.

I knew it would come in handy.

Century's Homecoming was very early this year - 2 weeks after school started.

Didn't even give most boys a chance to get their plans together and get a date.

Akayla was asked by a kid she's gone out with a couple of times - and he's a cutie!

So much going on at our house this time of year - school carnival, baby coming, plus all the regular stuff.

That handy dress I picked up was perfect for Homecoming.

All we needed was a jacket for it to cover her up a bit.....and we couldn't find one.

She had a black one from Prom last year but it looked all wrong.

My good friend Lindsey came to the rescue and fixed it!

She looked perfect and I was only out $25!!!

They did a really fun day date - photo scavenger hunt at the mall and laser tag.

They had dinner at her date's house - steak and all the fixins.

They had a great time at the dance especially since Joe has taken social dance, so they waltzed and did the fox trot - while everyone else was grinding around them (yuck!)!

Then they had dessert at another couple's house after the dance.

So many pictures but such a fun night!!

good things:

Corina can't go to the dances until next year - better start saving and stocking up on pretty dresses!

friends who come to the rescue

my lovely daughter dating such a gentleman


Heidi said...

She looks so beautiful! I was so glad that the majority of my dates knew how to social dance. We'll have to teach our boys. It is so much more fun.

Marley Family said...

What a fun night! I can't wait for Corina to be old enough to go!

Holly said...

What a couple of absolutely gorgeous kids!