Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 13 Reading Christmas books by candlelight

Back in 1995 when it was Akayla's first Christmas, I bought a Christmas book.
Not just any book - one that made me cry and gave me goose bumps when I read it.

Every year since then I have bought a special Christmas book that we read on Christmas Eve after we put on our new jammies.

I have a whole box filled with beautiful books that we pull out December 1st, and each night through the month of December we read a few of them before bed.

The kids each have their favorites and I let them each have a turn picking which book to read next.

These are my favorites:

I always get choked up even though I've read them many many times.
My kids always look back to see if I'm crying when my voice gets all funny.

Every year we have one night that we turn off all the lights and light a bunch of candles.

There is something so magical about reading by candlelight.

Love this tradition!!!

good things:
sweet stories
the sound of sleeping children
packing for our trip

1 comment:

Erika said...

My mom would buy one every year for my sister Ann's birthday (Dec. 11th) and so we have at least 31. We have many of the ones you posted. We love to do the same thing. One of my favorites is Why Christmas Trees Aren't Perfect.