Tuesday, April 24, 2012

time to celebrate

Or cry (because my girls are growing up so fast)........... and since I'd rather be happy than sad we are celebrating!

Akayla turned 17 last week


Adriana turned 12

Since their birthdays are only 2 days apart we really try to make each day special for the girls.

For Akayla's birthday I made stuffed french toast (a favorite) for breakfast, and we decorated the kitchen with balloons and streamers before she came up for breakfast in the morning.

After school, work, and music lessons we blindfolded Akayla, kidnapped her, and took her (and the whole family - a  r a r e occurrence!) to Texas Roadhouse.  Of course they put Akayla up on the saddle and we all wished her a happy birthday.

Our poor server!  We had 5 free kids meals for Adri, Anna, Mars, Elli & Lea, we bought Tanner a kids meal, Corina & I shared a meal, and Dave & Akayla shared a meal.  We had plenty of food and left a BIG tip!   It's just A LOT to remember and clean up after - he was awesome!!

We had our family party at home with presents, and homemade cheesecake with raspberry topping.

For Adriana's birthday I made bacon, eggs, toast and juice for breakfast (also a  r a r e occurrence - I can't stand the smell of bacon in my house, and it takes too much time to prepare in the morning!).

Our girls get to wear makeup - mascara & lip gloss - when they turn 12, so Akayla and Corina had a great time primping Adri for her first day wearing makeup!

 At lunchtime the girls at home and I brought Adri balloons and krispy kreme doughnuts to share with her friends.  I walked into the lunchroom and her friends were all gathered around singing to her.  She brought me up to her locker that they had decorated with balloons and hearts.

We ate her favorite dinner - stuffed shells with a big green salad.
She chose turtle bars for her birthday treat, and we had presents.

Since her birthday was on Friday we rented a movie from Redbox and watched it downstairs in our theater room.

Since this post is already really long I will do my "things I want to remember at this age" in another post!

good things:
my new dishwasher
my patient husband
a nice long walk in the beautiful spring air

1 comment:

The Whittacres said...

I just figured out the trick to bacon this year. (yes, this year...2012 actually about 3 months is ago) it's called bake it! SOOOO yummy and SOOOOO much easier to prepare. Cookie sheet...line it with tin foil. Cook on 300 about 15 minutes and flip. Turn up to Broil or 525 and cook another 5-8 minutes~ Wallah!!! I can't believe you have a 17 year old. LOL! Are we really that old? You have such a beautiful family!