Sunday, April 7, 2013


I just barely got Dave to download all the pictures from his phone.  

These are some of the pictures he had on there from last month that I don't want to forget:

Since it was cold we took the kids to the church gym to play off some energy.

We played basketball and line tag, and Landon had a blast climbing all over the stage.

Akayla's friend Cade gave her this huge bear, and Landon LOVES it!  

Mariah and Lea saying prayers before bed (be still my heart!)

Akayla got in a little fender bender (not her fault).
The girl who caused it went straight to our insurance to try and get hers paid for, but we fought it and the insurance sided with us!!  

Notice the scratches, and the license plate:
So glad it wasn't something more serious!

Dave had a day off so he took Elli on her class field trip to the dentist!

the dentist checked her teeth and she had no cavities - but she does have 2 teeth that have grown in behind her baby teeth.  Just another one of our kids who will need expensive dental/orthodontist treatments!

Dave has been busy fixing things around our house (since we're trying to put it up for sale!)
He has lots of little helpers!!

Bountiful Baskets spoils:  We had shish kebobs (with peppers & onions), grilled asparagus, and fruit salad with mangoes.  I highly recommend Bountiful Baskets if you have it near you!!

Landon's hair cut - love these boys!  And I love that Dave is willing to cut my boy's hair, and his own to save money!!

good things:
conference weekend
inspiring thoughts
breakfast casserole and sugar cereal

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