Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pinewood Derby

Tonight was Tanner's pinewood derby. After last year's nightmare I was surprised Tanner was even willing to go. Dave didn't have a chance to work on Tanner's car last year before we went on vacation. He brought the car to Yellowstone to work on it with Tanner but forgot several tools. We got home about an hour before the pinewood derby and he couldn't find graphite (spelling?) anywhere. It was the plainest car of the bunch and it was so slow! The first race of the evening Tanner was not only last, but his car didn't even make it to the finish line! Dave and Tanner had time this week to work on Tanner's car and they made it a Lightning McQueen (from Cars). It looked awesome and it actually won several races. Tanner had a lot of fun and was proud of his car this year! Dave wasn't humiliated either!

Good things:
A scout program in our ward that is actually working
Cheering on our scout
Not coming in last


Genelle said...

Way to go, Tanner!!!! Man, someday you'll be helping YOUR son with his pinewood derby car! What an awesome design, too. "Lightning McQueen." Classy choice. That'll teach those darn scouts to get in the way of MY knephew. Good wishes to you, a million times over!

P.S. Ang, I believe the correct spelling is graphite. Or is it something other than a rock?
P.S.S. Fabulous pictures!!!
P.S.S.S. I like the Good things you added to everything. Great addition.

The Ridings said...

Lightning McQueen how cute is that!

Jenny-ology said...

That is such a cute little Lighting McQueen car! What a cute idea. Gotta love pinewood derby's. I think the Dad's usually want to win more than the boys!

Tamara said...

What an AWESOME Car Tanner!!! You must have had so much fun making it with your dad. Congrats on such a fun derby - GO LIGHTNING!

Tamara said...

I showed Michael Tanner's car and he thinks it is so cool. He is looking forward to meeting your little guy next month (May) when you come down. My girls are excited to meet yours too!

Carissa J said...

Did you know there is a church movie about the Pinewood Derby? Lol! I haven't seen it but it looks good. Did you know that Paul Walker, Amy Adams, and Ryan Gosling were all raised LDS? That was random but I just think it's interesting. I wonder if Paul Walker made a car for HIS pinewood derby.

Gina Hallam said...

YAY Tanner :) Josh loves your car :)