Annalisa & Maddie Bingham
Sometimes you find a friend who will be a friend forever
That's how we feel about our friends the Binghams. We met them a few months after we moved here. The first Sunday Annie came to ask me if I liked to run. I told her I did and we decided to become "running buddies". I was always a lone runner, so it was really fun to go with her. She's long, lean and fast and I'm not so she really pushed me along. It was always fun to talk and laugh and I quickly learned to love her and her sweet family. When I got pregnant with Elli I got so sick and felt so crummy that I quit running (in fact I quit excercising completely, which is why I have to work extra hard now to get back to where I was). Our families still did a lot together though, and Annalisa and Maddi played together as often as they could. We were so sad when we found out they were moving to California. We miss them! They recently passed through and it was so fun to see them. It felt so natural to be with the Binghams and our other friends, the Morrisseys (they will be forever friends also!). It was like they never left.
Good things:
People who love you even when you're not perfect
Getting to see old friends
Running buddies
I wish I was a runner---that is impressive to me, anyone that loves that. I know what you mean about those friends who you just know will always be your friends no matter what. They are rare. But, when you have them---it is the best in the world.
I hear that people who run together are very close... lol... I'm serious. I read that in Runner's magazine. I wish I could run :( Anyway, were the Bingham's the one's who watched Elli while we went to Wicked in California?
I remember the Binghams! They were so cute. I'm so glad you have friends so dear to you. I have a couple that I don't think I could live without as well.
I'm glad you got to visit with them. I hope you'll have more visits from them in the future.
Anna- Did you have fun playing with Maddie? I remember her... she's so much cuter (and less ditzy) than your neighbor, (Can't remember her name.)
You two look like the perfect best friends. I hope you still keep in touch.
P.S. Don't excercise too much, Ang. I don't want you becoming Anorexic.
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