Last Friday was finally the last day of school, and as you can see, they were allowed to wear regular clothes to school! Most kids look forward to school ending for the summer (Tanner sure did!), but Akayla and Corina were not happy about it. When I picked them up after school Corina had red puffy eyes and she cried the rest of the day. I am so glad they enjoy school. They have made such great friends and they are learning valuable lessons. Yippee!!! They are happy now to have some time at home, and I'm sure they'll have plenty of chances to hang out with their friends!
Next year Adriana and Annalisa are going to the Academy also. We were so happy that they made it in. I went to the lottery drawing and I was getting really worried because there were over 80 kids trying for the only 24 spots. Since we have siblings who are already going to the school we had top priority, but I still worried when Annalisa was picked near the end. Luckily it all worked out!! I enjoyed homeschooling and I know it was something I needed to do for some reason. There were so many things I loved about it, but the time has come for a new phase in our life. We have been praying for a way to take some of the burden off of me. Having 7 kids is hard enough, but I also teach music lessons (and I need to because we need the money) and I have been homeschooling. It has gotten to the point that I can't do it all any more - I can't be superwoman!! So in 2 months I will only have 2 little ones at home. I just may be able to get my laundry done and make dinner before 8:00 every day!! I may even have some time to take better care of myself! It will also be nice to have some time with my littlest ones. Now I just need to make sure all the rest get enough mom time.........yet another thing to make me feel guilty I suppose!
good things:
great kids
two months off
new phases
Ang, you ARE superwoman in anybodies book! Even superwoman needs a break, good for you!
Wow, it'll be a big change for you!! But a good one. Happy Summer!
I don't know how you do it...I only have 5 and not the same kind of commitments that you have and I go crazy. My hat goes off to you!
*sigh* The last day of school... Boys love it! Girls despise it! I'm sure Corina will forget all about P.J. and Payton by the time school starts again. I mean, that's what happened with Klunker. (how embarrassing!) and Akayla will probably invite Justin over every day! They have nothing to worry about...
I'm glad Adri and Anna are going too! It will sure be a nice break for you.
Are you sure you're not Superwoman? I always thought you just wore a disguise and ripped it off whenever there was trouble!
I bet Adri and Anna are so excited! I remember how excited and scared I was to start school every fall. I'm glad you will have a little more time for yourself! You deserve the break.
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