Monday, July 21, 2008

bike ride

One thing we love to do together is go on bike rides. We live on a hill and we have lots of hills around, so it's quite a workout! Dave hauls the two littlest girls behind him since noone else has the strength to do it! We have a great trail near our house that we often ride on and we have lots of parks to ride to for the kids to play on after we're done. Annalisa learned how to ride her bike on her own this year. She and Adri are so independent! They both decided they wanted to learn how to ride without training wheels, so they just did it! Mariah is a little more nervous so she still rides with her training wheels.
good things:
the gorgeous sunset we watched
no mosquitos
living near the end of the cul-de-sac so the kids can ride in the street safely


Genelle said...

So you finally fixed those bikes, huh? That's great!
One of the things that everybody knows that your house is the Ferrara's is your bike graveyard!
What other family has such an abundant collection of bikes?
YAY! You'll be a size two by the wedding, Ang!

Ang said...

I better be Genelle! Yes, our bike graveyard is no more....all the junkers are gone and the others are fixed. We even pulled up all those weeds and rototilled that spot so it looks nice and smooth!!! Hooray for us!

Carissa J said...

LOL! Bike graveyard... Nice. That looks like fun, Ang. I wish I had a bike but I'm sure that even if I did, I wouldn't use it in this heat! I HATE SUMMER TIME! I would much rather ride a bike in the snow than in the heat. Maybe with all the SWEATING I've been doing I'll lose weight too!

Erin said...

I love bike fun is that?! Did you go too Ang?

Ang said...

Erin, you bet I did! Dave wants to go on a bike ride every Friday night. It's his favorite date night activity!