Saturday, August 2, 2008

I'm still here

I know I have been a little MIA lately, but I'm not dead. I have gotten emails and phone calls from those of you who are worried about me. I have many things to post on here, so be ready for blog catch-up soon. We haven't gone on any fancy vacations or anything - no money for that this year. But, I am thoroughly enjoying my time with my kids and hubby. People figure Dave gets the summer off since he's a seminary teacher, but he doesn't. He gets a little time off, but he is supposed to work 40 hours a week in the office. He even has to wear his coat and tie. I know you're all worried that he must get really bored. He says he always runs out of time and doesn't get everything done that he needed to when school starts again. We only have a week and a half before the kids start school so we are packing in all the fun we can (with limited budget!). You'll hear from me soon though.........


Linda Gibbs said...

Glad to have you back! Now if we can just find Gina!!

Carissa J said...

I'm going through withdrawals...

jenjen said...

It must be Breaking Dawn...Is that it?

Gina Hallam said...

I'm glad you're still alive. I would be lost if you werent ;) I really miss you guys.

I am glad to hear that you're having a good summer and enjoying your fam :) the cheap way is the best way sometimes...the best memories come from those times I think :)

Genelle said...

I was wondering where you went. I'm glad you're still here. Don't want you to leave. We love you!