Thursday, April 16, 2009

Funnies of the day

Elli is at a very silly age. She's coming up with new stuff every day! These are Elli's breakfast funnies today:

Whenever Dave makes something interesting or yummy the kids usually ask for a taste and he always says "oh, you don't want to try this. It's really yucky - blech!". Then of course he lets them try it.
So today there was chocolate syrup on the table when Dave left for work (he likes to put it on his pancakes with peanut butter - GROSS!!!). I put a little in Elli's milk just for fun and she stirred it together and started eating it with a spoon. Mars came and asked for a taste and Elli says "no, blech!" She learned that one from her daddy!

We have about a million birds outside trying to make nests in our grill, and one was right outside the window chirping. Elli has been learning all the animals and the sounds they make and is normally pretty good about saying them correctly. When she saw the bird she yelled COW!! MOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I guess we have to work on that one!

good things:
snow in April (trying to be positive)
birds chirping in the morning
picture day at school and everyone was still on time for scripture study!


Kaylyn said...

Elli sounds pretty smart to me! She sounds like a fast thinker. She knows to keep her sister away from the chocolate milk! Too Cute!

Hollie Rae Keller said...

That's too cute...and funny! I'm glad I found your blog. It's been fun to read about you guys and get to know you better. Your family is darling.

The Ridings said...

I love as little ones develop their personalities, they are always making me laugh.

Aaron said...

What r u talking about penut butter andchocolate sirup on pancakes sounds goooooooooooood

Erin said...

that's so funny...I love all the little things that kids pick up on and use. Elli sounds like a funny little gal.

This is Us! said...

lol, I'm rolling! What a little cutie. I can just picture her mooing at the bird! I agree, PB and chocolate syrup on pancakes??? :-)

Gina Hallam said...

LOL!!!! I bet there is never a dull moment with all those amazing kids :)

Carissa J said...

That is so freakin' adorable! What a cutie. I'm excited for you to come down this weekend with Akayla. Are you bringing Elli? Any of the other kids. I miss you guys so much.