Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I've been feeling sad and frustrated today. Today my life has felt like it is spiraling out of control and I don't know how to stop it. It's just little things, and some things that feel big.

After I worked out at the gym I went out on my porch to cool off. As I sat looking out at the stars I had a feeling of peace come over me. I happened to see a falling star, and yes I closed my eyes and made a wish. I thought about how Heavenly Father knows how I'm feeling even though I'm just a small person in a big world. I was able to focus on the eternal perspective. This is just a small moment in the eternities. I felt a lot better.

good things:
beautiful clear nights
helpful and obedient children
shoe shopping


Kaylyn said...

If our lives ran smoothly all the time, we wouldn't have the opportunity to feel the peace in the middle of the storm. That is a tender mercy from our Father in Heaven. That peace can feel like our Heavenly Father putting his arm around us. Letting us know that he knows what we are going through. He is there to help us get through it. Take care, my friend. We love you.

Erika said...

I miss you Angela, you're such a great person.

Megan Jo Eddie said...

You inspire me. Everytime I see how skinny you are and what an amazing family you are, and what a successful person, mother, wife you are: I"M IMPRESSED! I don't know how you do it all.

The Ridings said...

Good things... Breathing!

Heidi said...

Thanks for your inspirational thoughts. It reminds me of something President Hinckley said about how life is like a train ride (I think?) sometimes long and rainy but occasionally there are beautiful vistas that open up to our view. The rest of the time we just try and enjoy the ride. I think the past few months for me have been more like a roller coaster ride.
But thanks to you and Corina the past couple of days have been a beautiful vista. Thanks for lending me your daughter and helping out with my kids so we could have an amazing getaway!

Erin said...

Thanks for sharing that Angela...I needed that reminder. I haven't been on in a while and today was a good day to read your blog! You're amazing and you always seem to inspire me when I need it do you do it? I hope all is well with you....we sure love you!