Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Day of School PART 1

Last year all 5 kids in school went to the same school - not this year. The 3 younger girls will still go to The Academy (charter school), Corina & Tanner will go to Franklin Middle School, and Akayla will be at Century High School. Last Thursday (I know it's been a week - at least I'm actually putting it on here!) The Academy started school, and next week the others will start. Before you feel too sorry for the little girls who also end school 2 weeks after the other schools, you should know that they get 3 weeks off in October, December and March. I'd rather have their schedule any day!! Here they are on their first day:

Adriana 4th grade

Adriana is excited to be the oldest kid at the school this year. She's happy because all the kids in her class are her good friends that were in her class last year. No new kids this year. She's nervous because she wants to do really well and she is very hard on herself. She worries that she's not smart enough or pretty enough. She is also a little sad that summer is over and she won't have time to spend at home as much. I promised her that when Fall Break comes (October) we will go to Lava Hot Springs while the other kids are still in school!

Mariah Kindergarten

(always with her hands on her hips for pictures - silly girl!)

Mariah is the first of our children to go to Kindergarten. I was more nervous than she was. I took her into her class and she was kind of holding onto my leg and not wanting to go in, so I helped her find her name on her table and her name on her cubby. Then the teacher looked at us and said "okay parents, this is where we say bye-bye!!". Then I started to cry. It was a weird reaction (I'm pregnant!), but I couldn't believe I had to leave my baby for 3 whole hours! Well, she had a great time and loved the coloring and the playing outside part the best. She has told me about her friends but she can't remember any of their names yet!

Annalisa 2nd grade

Annalisa loved her first day of 2nd grade. Her teacher is so AWESOME and she gets to sit by a cute boy and her best friend, so it should be a good year! I went to pick Mariah up from Kindergarten and Anna was having lunch so we sat and ate with them and got to talk to her teacher. That's why she's the only one with a picture of her teacher.

Anna and her best friend
and......a silly picture of Elli because if everyone else gets their picture taken she needs one too right?! She did the same thing when we had our back to school blessings. As soon as the 3 girls were done she hopped up and said "my turn"! So daddy gave her a sweet blessing and she sat with her arms folded and her eyes (half) closed the whole time!

good things:

halfway on a real schedule again

new school clothes

school supply shopping (why is that so fun?)

excited girls on the morning of their first day back


Unknown said...

Hey I sort of panicked when I looked at your post and it said the first day of school. I thought oh no I missed it. Then I realized it was different schools so I was relieved. Anyways your kids look so cute all ready for school. Kindergarten freaks me out a little too. I always cry. In fact, I cry when they go to preschool. It is just hard for me to have them grow up.

Amishka said...

Anna's teacher is great. I sang with her in the Sweet Adelines. She is such a great person and really loves what she does. I'm glad you got a picture of her.

kristine wride said...

Angela, you are so great. When I grow up I want to be just like you! I sure miss seeing you more! So excited for you and a new baby!

Erika said...

You're kids are super good looking!

Marley Family said...

How fun! Looks like they had a great first day! Poor Laney got sick and missed is first day of first grade. He was so sad.

Aceneth Warner said...

so do your kids go to a charter school? My kids love it so far.
so how are you doing with your pregnancy? Good luck...I wish I was pregnant I would have liked one more. Oh well, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit!lol

The Ridings said...

Wow they are so big! How cute are your little ones.