Thursday, September 17, 2009

7 brides for......

This is the name Dave's seminary colleague came up with for our new reality tv show. We'll wait for just a couple of years to start - when our oldest 3 girls are a little older and there's even more drama in the Ferrara house.

That's right....we are having another girl!!!

Honestly, we are happy. The only tears shed were happy tears. We all loved seeing the baby on the screen! Tanner said he was a little disappointed....but I think I prepared them all beforehand to expect a girl so noone was surprised! We even picked out a girl name, but we never chose a boy name!

My first thought when the tech. told us was how grateful I am for Tanner. I think I would be very disappointed if we didn't at least have one boy. Tanner kept saying how cute the baby was on the screen - the little hands and little feet. He's such a sweet big brother. He's been so patient the last 11 years, and he has wanted a little brother so badly! But, he's happy to get another sister too. He is going to be an amazing husband someday. He'll know just what to say and how to act so his wife thinks he is the sweetest, most sensitive husband in the world! Seriously, how many people out there can say they have 7 sisters?!!!

We came home and the little girls wanted to watch Annie. I was doing laundry and cleaning, so when I came back in my room it was at the part where Miss Hannigan is singing "Little Girls". It made me laugh so hard...... "Some women are dripping in diamonds. Some women are dripping in pearls. What am I dripping in? LITTLE GIRLS!!!"

I feel very blessed to be the mother who is entrusted with so many daughters. The role of women is so important in these last days. I would rather have these strong daughters of God come to my home where they will be taught what is right and beautiful about being a woman in God's eyes. Besides, they are so fun to talk to, and I love each one of their different personalities!

Looking forward to Valentine's Day..........

good things:
our whole family packed in the little ultrasound room
seeing the baby's perfect little heart beat
another beautiful girl


Amishka said...

Congratulations Angela, I'm so excited for you to have another beautiful little girl who will for sure turn into a gorgeous young women. You raise wonderful children I'm so glad to have been able to get to know you and be blessed with your friendship. Your a great example to me.

Me said...

You're going to laugh at this one:

For some reason--after reading this entry on your blog, I had a "flashback" back to that very long night/morning, when a whole group of us stayed up ALL NIGHT--"sleeping" outside of SmithTix, waiting to purchase ticket to a certain "boys" band that was quite popular in the 1990's (early 90's). And I thought--yep---Ang---that incredibly fun teenager who was hopped up on Nyquil (I think it was Nyquil) cause she had a cold--who was seeing butterflies flying in front of her face cause of the medication, and keeping us all in roarous laughter all night long is going to have 7 daughters!!! Congratulations--to Tanner (sorry--got his name wrong on Fb) too! (My dad had 6 sisters--and 1 brother---3 daughters, and now 2 granddaughters. Although I would say he has some woman "issues"---but he is a good husband :) ) But, he was never afraid to change a diaper--which is a good thing!

Mary P.

Annie and Family said...

The moment I read the title of your post I thought of that song on "Annie." That is a riot! Congrats! And I am really happy for me too... because that gives my boys one more chance to get a cute little Farrara girlie and me to get the "secret pasta sauce." Ha Ha...

Unknown said...

Congratulations Angela! Another girl how fun. You can't have too much pink in one house I think!

Sarah said...

Oh Congratulations!!! Wow neat.

Loved the school pics too. They are getting so big...and the girls look so much like


Heidi said...

Congratulations! My sister w/ all boys would be jealous!

Marley Family said...

I'm so happy for you!!!! I can't wait until all of those girls get married! Start saving now they're going to put you in the poor house!
Lane and I need to know your recipe for girls! Please!!!!! Who will take care of me when I'm old! Watch you'll have all the girls, and I'll have 30 boys! AHHH Pray for me!

dmix007 said...

Ang you are truly an inspiration. Such a good attitude, such a happy life. Thanks for encouraging me to keep pushing on! your awesome, Jen Mix