Tuesday, December 6, 2011

25 Days of Christmas

A friend of mine was asking about our 25 Days of Christmas tradition.

This is the link explaining what we've done in the past.....

Last year we tried something a little different that we loved.......
12 Days of Christ and Shepherd's Night

This year I changed things up just a little bit more so we could do the 12 days of Christ and the fun family activities together. It just started getting overwhelming for me to try and keep everything straight.

In each box is the daily activity we will do together.

This is our list: (We change some of them up every year)

(1)To start off the Christmas season let's enjoy some candy cane ice cream together!

(2)Mosiah 2:17. Today we are going to spend time doing service for others by working at the Idaho Food Bank and then singing Christmas carols at the hospital!

(3)Secret Note Saturday - write as many secret I LOVE YOU notes to your family as you can and deliver them when no one is looking!

(4)It’s the perfect night to watch a Christmas movie together as a family!

(5)Tonight we are going to make Christmas cookies. Make a plate for a neighbor, drop it off on their doorstep, and run like crazy!

(6)Enjoy some hot chocolate with your family tonight and take a deep breath. It’s the only way to make it through a busy day like today!

(7)Call your grandparents and sing them a Christmas song!

(8)Tonight we are going to remember some of our family members who have passed away. We will tell stories and eat some of the yummy recipes they used to love!

(9)Today mom has a special Christmas craft for you to make!

(10)Sneaky Service Saturday – do as many sneaky service acts for your family members as you can!

(11)Today is a great day to show appreciation for our neighbors and special friends from church. Bring gifts and sing Christmas carols to our neighbors!

(12)Sharing your talents is a way to honor our Savior. Tonight we will have a family talent show and play our favorite Christmas songs!

(13)Tonight when we read our Christmas stories get out all the candles and turn out all the lights!

(14)Today we are going to enjoy Christmas the way they do in another country! Read all about it, try some recipes, and play some of the games children in other places enjoy!

(15)Think of your family members that live far away. Today write letters to let them know how much you love and miss them!

(16)Today we can show appreciation for our teachers at school and at church. Help mom make gifts and write a thank-you note for them!

(17)Matthew 2:1-15. (Wise Men) The Three Wise Men brought gifts to Jesus. Prayerfully think of the gift you would like to give to Jesus this year and write it on the paper mom gives you. Place your gift on the tree to help you remember!

(18)Luke 2:13-14. (Angel) Sing Christmas songs together!

(19)Luke 1:26-37 and 2:19. (Mary) Today you get to celebrate your mom. Give her a big hug and tell her how much you love her. Do as many nice things for her as you can today and write love notes to tell her how much you appreciate everything she does for you!

(20)Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 2:48-49. (Joseph) Today you get to celebrate your dad. He needs lots of hugs too and he would love a head scratch. Do as many nice things for him today as you can think of and write lots of notes to tell him how much you appreciate everything he does for you!

(21)Luke 2:8-18. (Shepherds) Listen to the forgotten carol of the shepherd and then quickly get your best shepherd costume on so you can enjoy our Shepherds night!

(22)Helaman 14:5, 3 Nephi 1:21, Matthew 2:2, 7 & 9. (Star) Go on a ride with your family and see all the beautiful Christmas lights! Don’t forget to sing our traditional silly song whenever you see lights on the houses!

(23)Find your favorite scripture of Christ and share it with your family!

(24)Help mom make a special Christmas dinner and enjoy it together. Make it even more special by lighting candles and listening to Christmas music!

We have done some of these things for years, and some of them I have stolen from friends who had a similar box (Lisa Johnson).

Sometimes something comes up and we have to postpone the activity until the weekend, but I try really hard to plan ahead and place certain activities on days I know we will be able to do them.

Next year I will rearrange the order and add/delete as things come up.

good things:
finally getting my tooth fixed at the dentist
watching Hallmark Christmas specials
walking through the candle section at the store - smells so good!


Lisa said...

I was thinking some of those sounded familiar! I love it. Sounds like you are more organized than me. We are, however doing a Christ Centered Christmas that sounds very similar to your activities that go with each nativity characters. Such a great idea. I'm so excited about it! Have a great Christmas Ang!

Holly said...

I might try doing the 12 days of Christmas this year with some of your ideas. Nick has to work Christmas and Christmas Eve this year, so we are still trying to figure out when we will have our Christmas morning this year. These activities would really help lift our spirits.