Saturday, July 28, 2012


 We decided to go camping for the reunion part of our trip, which was a great idea because everyone had to spend 3 whole days with all of us.

It was great - no tv, internet, or work (for almost everyone - Keith still had to work most of the time), and we got to swim, play in the playground, eat great camping food, roast marshmallows, visit lots, play horseshoes, visit a train museum really close to our campground, and go mini golfing.

Ferrara Family

the Chris Ferrara family
all 17 of the Ferrara cousins - we have more than half of the grandkids!

Matt, Emily & Beth

Dave, Anna & Adri

Lando Man

Hannah, Mariah & Elli

Amber & Jacob

Tom & Beth


Tanner & Lea

Keith & Emily

Jim, Alex & dad


the train fight scene

Elli asked dad to take her picture every few minutes and she would usually pose in some weird way.  Strange girl!


Corina & Landon

Sam the conductor


Jim's family : Amber, Alex & Jacob

Jen with our girlies

Adri & Lea

Beth's family:  Tom, Sam, Hannah & Ben


demanding her way

getting her way - what a little rascal!

good things:
cold water on a hot day
a little rain
dutch oven scones

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