Wednesday, November 27, 2013

projects & fall fun

Anna had to make a "cell" for science.  She is the type who first says "I can't",
but then she gets creative and does a great job.  She just has to believe in herself a little more!

Lea wanted to do a project too - here's her masterpiece

Lea with her finished project
Mariah had to make a teepee for Idaho History - it turned out so cute!!

cute girls at the corn maze

Amanda, Joslyn, Molly, Adri & Corina

My mom teaches kindergarten and they read the book "Flat Stanley" and then made their own classroom Flat Stanley.
Flat Stanley came to visit us in Pocatello so we took a picture and sent a letter about his adventures with us.

good things:
all of my family is home
paying off bills
reading to my kids

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I loved the hands on assignment to make a cell cake in 9th grade! The best part was thinking of the candy that would represent the different parts. It definitely made the learning more memorable for me, even though, pencil & paper projects are a whole lot easier for me as the mom!