Tuesday, September 23, 2014


I am completely flabbergasted............
This has been the fastest year EVER!

Wasn't this just last month.....  (and the tears start flowing dangit!)
my oldest baby on a mission
and my youngest baby

big boy!

I love this look of amazement on his face staring at that candle!
Are we the only ones that still wait until their first birthday to have chocolate cake and then let them just make a big ol'mess all over themselves?  It's like the best tradition ever!  Our kids get so excited to watch it, and I think the anticipation of the older kids must rub off on the babies because Mason was sooooo anxious for his cake! 

and this is THE BEST FACE EVER!
Somehow he knew how yummy that cake was going to taste,
and he couldn't wait!!

So fun!

Happy Birthday sweet boy!  

good things:
self control
losing weight

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